Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting
May 12, 2014
Present were: Church administrator Jennifer Gahnstrom, Pastor Walter Lockhart, committee chair Lulu Phillips, and members Jan Werness and Carole Megarry
We reviewed the financial report for April 30, 2014. It was noted that we are running a shortfall or approximately $3,000 per month, or $35,000 per year. While it is currently feasible to cover this shortfall by accessing reserve funds, such a shortfall cannot be allowed to continue. Either income must be increased or expenses cut. We currently average about 78 persons in attendance on Sunday mornings, with approximately 150 persons attending at some point during the year.
Lulu will address the congregation on Sunday, May 18 on need to increase income or cut expenses. Also on that date will be the potluck after church to discuss what to do with the parsonage.
As to the meals program, Walter noted that he has plans to move the program to self- sufficiency. This may include partnering with UMN Wesley, Epworth church or others. Other ways to raise funds would be to have a special offering or special meal. The Community Meals fund will be used to track income and expenditures, including the costs of equipment and necessary licensure. Walter has completed the Safe Serve licensure at a cost of $175. Other licensures may be necessary if the venue will be used for non-church functions.
As for the retainage account, we now owe approximately $6,000; however, there is water in the basement and other punch list items yet to be completed or adjusted by the builders. Walter hopes that all matters related to the construction of the building will be resolved by September. At that point we will need to move funds from the capital to building account in order to make the final payment.
We discussed in general, the May rummage sale. It went very well in the new venue, (best ever receipts of some $3,600) and there is reason to believe might have been even better had it not taken place over the Mothers’ Day and fishing opener weekend. We could use more tables and better racks for displays. Lulu has created a list of suggestions for future rummage sale. We set the dates of October 20-25 for the fall rummage sale, with set up days being October 20 and 21 and sale days thereafter.
Next Finance Committee meeting is set for June 11, 2014 at 3 p.m.
Minutes by Carole Megarry