Finance Committee Minutes
Minutes of Finance Committee
November 18, 2015
Present were: Chair KC Bretzke, pastor Walter Lockhart, members Carole Megarry, and Linda Berglin, and bookkeeper Carrie Feldman.
The minutes of the October meeting were accepted.
An agenda was set.
Financial Reports. Were reviewed. Carrie is working on a year-end report. Walter has a draft letter to members in progress which will request additional giving, and which will state the member’s YTD contributions. Walter will ask the membership for additional gifts again in church before Christmas Sunday. We have caught up enough that it appears we may not need to use matching funds to eliminate a shortfall.
Carrie raised the question of whether the elevator repair expense should be paid out of the building fund. KC will bring this up to the trustees.
Profit vs. Non-profit Issue. Carole reported on the information and advice she had gotten from attorneys and accountants with experience with this issue. Carrie also had done some research and reading. Carole noted that several professionals suggested that when the church agrees to rent to another non-profit, the Fin.Comm., Trustees, or church council, would do well to have a resolution in their minutes describing why the tenant fits in with and furthers the churches mission. As to irregular tenants, eg., receptions, dinners, etc. we were advised that the trustees might adopt a resolution describing to whom we will rent for such purposes and how such rentals fit into our mission. Carole had some draft language which should be sent to the trustees for consideration. We need some information regarding the massage therapist and how her work furthers the church mission, and this rental should also be approved and its mission component reflected in church council minutes.
Budget. MSP The 2016 budget should reflect Ignacio’s hours increased to 14 per week (subject to SPPR approval),and the Financial Assistant’s pay increased to $17.50 per hour.
Walter noted that his salary went up by $2,700, but due to sharing his salary and pension payments with Simpson, that increase is offset by Simpson’s contributions.
There was discussion about apportionments. The Annual Conference is now requesting payment of apportionments equal to 10% of the budget. Also discussed was the desirability of looking hard at expenses such as the cost of our deductible on multi-peril insurance, and the cost of our landlines.
Next Meeting. December 9, at 5 p.m.
Minutes by Carole Megarry