Finance Committee Minutes
Minutes of Finance Committee- December 9, 2015
Present were: Chair KC Bretzke, pastor Walter Lockhart, members Carole Megarry, and Jan Werness, and bookkeeper Carrie Feldman.
The minutes of the November meeting were accepted with the correction that Jan Werness was present.
An agenda was set.
Financial Reports. Were reviewed including year- end projections. We have earned $1,000 of the $3,000 offered as a match. It was noted that we can access the reserve account to eliminate the 2015 budget shortfall. Walter reported that he will be submitting invoices for $3,000 worth of expenses for the Tuesday meals program. It was agreed he should be reimbursed for these. Church Mutual is now billing annually (rather than monthly)for its $6,500 premium which will be due in January. UMC Builders has requested that we put $432 into the budget for them. Walter noted WUMC’s past gifts from the Builders and recommended that we do so. Agreed.
Special offerings. Were discussed. Walter recommended that they be for UMCOR, community meals, $15 NOW and the sound system, the latter being done next Sunday. Agreed.
Note on the Church. Walter reported that the “lender” now plans to forgive the note in 2017, for her own tax-planning reasons. This will mean we will owe one more year’s interest and that the trustees will have to sign a new note with a new due date
Profit vs. Non-profit Issue. Carole reported on her discussion with the massage therapist regarding her therapeutic philosophy, which the therapist described as a “calling”, a healing path, and a means of helping people get in touch with their inner selves. We requested that the trustees put language into their minutes to acknowledge that her therapy is “substantially related” to the church mission. We reviewed the Building Use Policy and recommended tweaks to that to reference social events and certain trainings as being “substantially related” to our mission.
Fund Raisers. Lulu has agreed to continue to coordinate the Silent Auction and Rummage Sale for 2016. The spring rummage sale set up should start Monday April 18. The silent auction should take place May 14 or 21.
Advances for Food Purchases. David West has agreed to cook the first Tuesday meal of each month and has requested that he or Miriam be advanced enough Walker funds to substantially cover the cost of food purchases. It was agreed the office would advance between $150- 200 once per month to them, subject to their obligation to submit receipts showing the amount of the purchases.
Services to Wesley Foundation. Walter reported that Wesley Foundation had asked him to serve as their treasurer and that he has agreed to do this. Incident to this, he may ask Carrie to do the bookkeeping for WF, for which Wesley Foundation would pay. We would handle it like fiscal agency. Agreed.
Evaluation. KC and Walter will evaluate Carrie.
KC’s Absence. KC noted she will be gone January through March.
January meeting: Will be needed to review year-end issues, though possibly we will not need a meeting in February.
Apportionments: Jan suggested we decide in the January meeting whether we should make payments on the apportionments monthly or quarterly, and that they are in the 2016 budget.
Missing Pledges: Carrie noted that some of the handwritten pledge forms did not seem to be in the drawer where they had been kept. Jan agreed to help her look for them.
Next Meeting. To be announced.
Minutes by Carole Megarry