Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
Present were: Church administrator Jennifer Gahnstrom, Pastor Walter Lockhart, committee chair Lulu Phillips, member Carole Megarry, K.C. Bretzke, SPPR chair, and Debra Ramage.
The minutes of the meeting of August 13, 2014 were approved.
The Committee invited Debra Ramage to make her proposal regarding work on a new Walker Church website. She referenced a program known as WordPress which is commonly used by other non-profits, including churches, which Al Hildrenbrand could install. She offered to work at $20 per hour and thought that perhaps $400 would get the project done, or at least close to done. She indicated a willingness to be flexible as to her rate and the possibility that she would donate some time. She also indicated it might be necessary to request additional fees. Deb left the meeting and the committee discussed the matter, which included concern about the tightness of funds but the need to improve the website and make use of the considerable energy that the communications task force has brought to bear on the need to get the Walker name out into the community. A committee member volunteered a $400 donation to allow Deb to go to work on this project.
The Empty Bowls fiscal agency agreement was signed and we will receive $3000 into our meals fund.
The Financial reports were reviewed and approved.
Walter informed the committee that the Trustees have decided not to pay the $6,539 billed by Watson Forsberg, considering that boiler and water in the basement issues remain unresolved.
We reviewed the Rental and Building Use Policy for September 2014 and the Conference policies about leasing space to third parties. We also discussed the work done by Lulu Phillips and Jan Werness on Unrelated Business Income and possible tax implications. It was suggested that if a regular, substantial, rental arrangement appears, we ought to get advice from a CPA or tax attorney knowledgeable on these issues. Walter noted similar concerns and need for professional advice as to kitchen rentals and possible conflicts in city policies and regulations on issues such as who must carry liability insurance.
The committee reviewed the apportionments calculations and noted that we were not paying them. For the time being, it appears that the Conference will tolerate this situation. Walter suggested a further meeting on this topic at a future date.
The committee turned to the topic of what to do regarding the persistent shortfall between income and expenses, which is now an average of $3,700 per month for 2014. Depending on what funds other than reserves might be tapped, we could be in crisis mode of not being able to pay bills in a matter of 5-10 months. Lulu expressed frustration and the belief that a systemic change will need to be made, including significant changes in staff time and salaries. Walter noted the need for the District Superintendent to be advised by November if the church cannot afford a ¾ time pastor for the following June appointments. Discussion followed as to how to bring this matter before the entire church. Church meetings were set for October 15 and 29 at 6:30 p.m.
It was noted that rummage sale assembly starts October 20, Monday. Sale starts Thursday October 23. The rummage work schedule will go out September 28.
Art Fair is set for November 22 and 23. KC volunteered to attempt to coordinate vendors by means of contacting former coordinators of the vendors. It was noted that this may be difficult, given the passage of two years without Art Fairs and that vendors may have moved on. The possibility exists that the Art Fair may be scaled down or canceled. Carole Megarry and Nancy Larsen will coordinate the food and kitchen, assuming it goes forward.
Minutes by Carole Megarry