Trustees Meeting Minutes January 20, 2016
Trustees Meeting Minutes
January 20, 2016
Those present: Ed Ed Mueller, Al Hildenbrand, Wayne Bailey (just barely), Trenk Ebbighausen, Harlan Seelhoff, Becky Hanson
Minutes of the last meeting were corrected and approved.
The Trustees walked through the Boiler Room, 2nd Floor Janitors Closet, Kitchen & Pantry evaluating the placement of the stacked washer dryer. Trenk is going to sleep on it. Ed Ed is going to check with Ignacio. Tentative placement for the 27″ wide machine is in the 29″ wide space to the west of the the 2nd Floor Janitors slop basin.
The fireplace in the Circle Lobby is operating again. A blinking light visible in the low left corner of the Fireplace Screen indicates that the solid state control is locked up. Turning the power switch off for sixty seconds results in the solid state control electronics re-initializing. The power switch is in the Women’s Bathroom locked Closet, and to the right (south) of the fireplace body (the gas valves are there, also.)
The sound system is installed and paid off. Walter and Al are trained in. Al called for the trustees to spread the word that a train-in for basic operation will occur in about a month (after Walter and Al have a chance to work out the password protecting of the more advanced features of the mixing board, and create a basic set of instructions for general operation involving the two baton mics, the lapel mic, and a line in from something like an iPad.)
Trenk has a laminator for the Community to use (for the instructions for the sound system).
It was moved and seconded to accept the Rental Rate Guidelines for Large Parties changes presented by Ignacio and Jennifer. Passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes by Al Hildrenbrand