Announcements July 13, 2016
Events & Meetings at Walker Church
- Walker Church Events & Meetings are open to all and are at the church unless noted otherwise.
- Events & Meetings of other groups are open to all unless noted as private.
- Private events and meetings of other groups are listed to show what is happening at Walker each day.
- The calendar on our website lists events & meetings further into the future.
- For more information on any of the events contact the Walker office
Finance Committee meeting: Wednesday, July 13, 5 pm
Trustees meeting: Wednesday, July 13, 6 pm
Ecstatic Movement: Wednesday, July 13, 7:30 pm to 9:15 pm. FFI below
Private Blackbird Music recital: Saturday, July 16, 12:30 to 3 pm
Private Family Gathering: Saturday, July 15, 3 pm to 1 am.
Walker Sunday Meditation Group: Sunday, July 17, 9 am to 10 am. FFI below
Walker Initiates: Sunday, July 17, 8:15 am to 10:15 am. The group meets the 3rd Sunday of each month in the conference room. FFI Lou Tofte or Howard Kranz
Walker Sunday Celebration in Powderhorn Park and Children’s Sunday School: Sunday, July 17, 10:30 am to noon. Guest speakers: John & Goran Gustav-Wrathall.
Sunday Celebration in Powderhorn Park
July 17, 2016
Greetings by Don Browne & Mary Burns
Communal Singing led by Conrad deFiebre & Dianne O’Donnell
Communal Reading: Our mission is to nurture spirituality, build caring community & work courageously for peace with justice and mercy.
A Service of Welcome IV (Walker Songbook page iv) led by David West
Lao Tzu #11 Stephen Mitchell translation followed by 5 minutes of silence by Mary Parker
We join spokes together in a wheel, but it is the center hole that makes the wagon move.
We shape clay into a pot, but it is the emptiness inside that holds whatever we went.
We hammer wood for a house, but it is the inner space that makes it livable.
We work with being, but non-being is what we use.
Welcome, Announcements & Offering by Mary Parker
Scripture Reading Matthew 7: 1 – 5 and 12 by Greg Garman
Jesus said, Don’t pass judgment. Don’t forget, the judgment you hand out will be the judgment you get back. And the standard you apply will be the standard applied to you. Why do you notice the sliver in your friend’s eye, but overlook the timber in your own? How can you say to your friend, “Let me get the sliver out of your eye,” when there is that timber in your own? You phony, first take the timber out of your own eye and then you’ll see well enough to remove the sliver from your friend’s eye!
Consider this: Treat people in ways you want them to treat you. This sums up the whole of the Law and the Prophets!
Guest Speakers John & Goran Gustav-Wrathall
Special Performance by Kent Eklund
Circle with Joys & Concerns & the Passing of the Peace
Hospitality Time: Thanks to the Hospitality Committee for set-up
John has a PhD in American religious and social history from the U of M and is the author of “Take the Young Stranger by the Hand: Same-sex dynamics in the Young Men’s Christian Association. He served a mission for the Mormon Church in France and Switzerland, and is active in, though excommunicated from, his LDS ward in south Minneapolis. He is currently president of Affirmation, an international organization for the LGBT Mormons, their families and friends. He teaches at United Theological Seminary, and enjoys writing.
Goran is an artist, dancer, and former Miss Gay 90s. He is a founding member of the Delta chapter of Delta Lambda Phi, an international gay fraternity, and is currently a leader in their alumni association. He works at a downtown Minneapolis law firm and enjoys gardening and world travel.
John and Goran met in 1991, and became a couple one year later. They held a public commitment ceremony in 1995, attended by 110 of their closest friends and family. In 1996 they purchased a home together. In 2007, they became foster parents to Glen Haslerud, and in 2008 they were legally married in Riverside, California. Still madly in love with one another, they look forward to growing old together, as they live lives filled with meaning, friendship and family.
The Story Worship Celebration: Sunday, July 17, 4 pm. Worship celebrations are held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. We view ourselves as a messy community embracing the call to whole-heartedly follow Jesus, love our neighbor, and cultivate beauty in our world. For more information:
Walker Morning Coffee Gathering: Monday, July 18, 10 am to noon. FFI below
Walker Community Meal: Tuesday, July 19, 6 pm to 7 pm (doors open at 5:30) Free meals are held every Tuesday and everyone is welcome. This meal will be coordinated by Lulu Philips.
Rosen Movement: Wednesday, July, 20, 9 am to 10 am. FFI below
Ecstatic Movement: Wednesday, July 20, 7:30 pm to 9:15 pm. FFI below
MN LGBTQ Therapists Network Discussion: Friday, July 22, 1 to 4:30 pm. “The Ripple Effects of Orlando: We LGBTQ+ Therapists Need to Take Care of Ourselves, Too: A Discussion specifically for LGBTQ+ Mental Health Providers” Sponsored by the MN LGBTQ Therapists Network. The event is free and is open to all mental health providers who identify as LGBT and feel impacted by the tragedy in Orlando. Formal registration at this site is required: Limited registrations available. FFI: Irene Greene at:
Walker Women’s Potluck Brunch: Saturday, July 23, 9:30 am to noon at Kristine Smith’s home. The brunch is held 4th Saturday of each month at someone’s home. FFI Lulu Philips
Private Baptism Celebration: Sunday, July 23, 1 pm to midnight.
Walker Sunday Meditation Group: Sunday, July 24, 9 am to 10 am in the meditation room. FFI below
Walker Sunday Celebration and Children’s Sunday School: Sunday, July 24, 10:30 am to noon. Guest speakers to be arranged.
Lou’s 80th Birthday Celebration: Sunday, July 24, 5 pm to 8 pm. Potluck Supper at 5 pm followed by Music with the Fire Roast Mountain Boys and Lou’s son, Ken Larson, Bodhran player, who lives in Portland, Oregon. FFI Lou Tofte.
Note: On Sunday, July 24 Lake Street will be closed from Elliot Avenue to 42nd Avenue, including crossing it, from 11 am to 5 pm for the event Open Streets Lake Street.
Walker Morning Coffee Gathering: Monday, July 25, 10 am to noon. FFI below
Bluegrass Jam Session: Monday, July 25, 7 pm to 10 pm. These bluegrass and folk jam sessions are held the last Monday of each month in the sanctuary. They are free, open to everyone and for musicians of all abilities. You can come to jam or to listen. Sponsored by MBOTMA (Minnesota Old Time & Bluegrass Music Association) FFI Roy Vanderwerf
Walker Community Meal: Tuesday, July 26, 6 pm to 7 pm (doors open at 5:30) Free meals are held every Tuesday and everyone is welcome. This meal will be coordinated by Barbara Hager.
Rosen Movement: Wednesday, July 27, 9 am to 10 am. FFI below
Ecstatic Movement: Wednesday, July 27, 7:30 pm to 9:15 pm. FFI below
Private Graduation Celebration: Saturday, July 30, 9 am to 9 pm
Walker Sunday Celebration in Powderhorn Park and Children’s Sunday School: Sunday, July 31, 10:30 am to noon with guest speaker Bessie Rose Browne.
The Story Worship Celebration: Sunday, July 31, 4 pm.
Walker Morning Coffee Gathering: Monday, August 1, 10 am to noon. FFI below
National Night Out & Walker Community Meal: Tuesday, August 2. Ignacio Amigon is coordinating the block party that will be held outside. Lulu is working with him on Walker’s contribution to the food.
Weekly Groups
Walker Sunday Meditation Group meets every Sunday 9 am to 10 am in the meditation room. Everyone is welcome and you can come any week. FFI Tony Wentersdorf
Walker Morning Coffee Gathering is held every Monday 10 am to noon at Lake Street Coffee. 3223 East Lake St. Everyone is welcome and you can come any week. FFI Pastor Walter Lockhart.
Rosen Movement meets every Wednesday 9 am to 10 am. This informal group of simple and effective movement with music meets every Wednesday in the sanctuary. It costs $5 to $10 and is open to everyone and you can come any week. The first time you come it is free. FFI Phyllis Wiener
Ecstatic Movement meets every Wednesday 7:30 pm to 9:15 pm. Ecstatic Movement is free style movement practice inspired by music and conscious breathe, without any judgment of self or other community participants. It’s about being present with your own energy and discovering your own dance. No previous dance experience is necessary. Class starts with a centering, followed by 80 minutes of incredible music, and ends in stillness with an option to stay for a closing circle. Cost: $10-15. Arrive at 7:15 to check in and warm up. FFI Facebook main page: Ecstatic Movement
Walker Church Sunday Celebrations in Powderhorn Park: July 17, July 31, August 14 & August 28. Celebration is near the corner of 33rd Street & 14th Avenue.
Camping at Star Lake Wilderness Camp: Friday, July 29 to Monday, August 1.
Want to come up and see Walter at his favorite spot on the earth? Come to Star Lake Wilderness Camp and spend some time in a tent, hear the loons, and enjoy the woods and lakes. All are welcome to camp at Star Lake from Friday, July 29 to Monday, August 1. People can arrive as early as Friday and leave as late as Monday. Meals will be available for Saturday lunch & dinner and for Sunday brunch. The camp is three hours from church, you can see how it looks on the website:
Email Walter if you can come
Peter and Margo’s Beach Party: Sunday, July 17, 2 to 7 p.m. It’s that time of year . . . time for Peter and Margo’s beach party At the usual place: the public beach at Lake St. Croix Beach, on the Minnesota side of the St. Croix River a few miles south of I-94. Bring food or drink to share (no alcohol or cooking fires), and beach or water toys if you wish. Event cancelled if rainy/severe weather. FFI: 612-789-0525.
15 Now Event at Wayne Bailey’s: Sunday, July 17, 5 pm to 8 pm at 3636 Eliot Av So. FFI Wayne or Joe Hesla
Modern Pagans/Ancient Realms Art Show by MCPA-Minneapolis Collective of Pagan Artists: July 8-29 at Vine Arts Center, 2637 27th Avenue South in Minneapolis: Explore the contemporary Pagan experience through local artists’ engagement with influences past and present. Featured arties include Bonita Blumenauer.
Gallery Hours: Mondays and Thursdays 5 to 6:45 pm, Saturdays 11 am to 5 pm.
Closing: Friday, July 29, 6 to 10 pm with a Harvest Ritual at 8 pm. FFI Bonita
FOR SALE: FUTON COUCH I have a beautiful queen size futon couch for sale. It has an oak frame with a thick futon covered with a forest green covering. It’s in mint condition, but I can’t keep it in my new apartment.
$150 or best offer. Lynn 651-489-9053
Walker Church will be the polling place (the place to vote) for residents of Ward 9-Precinct 5 (south of Lake Street, north of 32nd Street, east of 13th Avenue, west of Cedar Avenue) in the Minnesota Primary Election on Tuesday, August 9 & the Presidential Election on Tuesday, November 8.
Please consider serving as an election judge at one of your neighborhood polls! It’s a great service to your neighbors, and can be done as a paid employee or as a volunteer. Election Judge pay will be $13.30/hour for the August 9 primary and November 8 general election. Voters seeking more information on upcoming elections, how to vote via absentee ballot (no excuse needed!), a link to the Secretary of State’s poll finder, and more can visit the City’s Elections & Voter Services website at: