Trustees Meeting Minutes
Trustees Meeting Minutes
February 11, 2015
Those present: Jennifer Gahnstrom, Walter Lockhart, Al Hildenbrand, Wayne Bailey, Alice Browne, Becky Hanson, Ed Ed Mueller, Trenk Ebbighausen,
Jennifer presented the state of the finances. Will schedule with City Bike Lane Coordinator to set up meeting at Walker 3 PM on Wednesday Feb. 18th. Elevator inspector showed up unannounced and said the only thing he needed was a log for the TR employees to show their work. Jennifer talked with Ed Ed about the facts.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Walter brought up the Metro Builders Spring Call being for the Walker sound system. Walter wants an event with potential users of the space to give input into needs for hookup. Wayne will reach out to musicians.
Walter introduced a “Kitchen Clean”. Before the Seder there needs to be a ritual clean. Sometime between late March and early April. The Work Day is scheduled for Saturday March 14, 9 AM till done. Jennifer was notified to put into the announcements.
Walter has received a letter from Kent Eklund that he intends to sell his house. It is suggested that Kent first deal with us, get his own representation, that we provide 3 independent appraisals done at our expense. Wayne will meet with Kent and report to Walter.
Meeting adjourned by unanimous acclaim.