Announcements November 29, 2017
Walker Events and Meetings
- All meetings and events listed are at Walker Church unless noted otherwise
- See our website Calendar for happenings further into the future.
- For more information please contact the Walker office
1st Sunday of Advent Celebration
December 3, 2017
Greetings by Jan DeNoble & Greg Garman
Communal Singing led by Conrad deFiebre & Dianne O’Donnell
Communal Reading: Our mission is to nurture spirituality, build caring community & work courageously for peace with justice and mercy.
Opening by Al Hildenbrand
Lighting of the Advent Wreath by Carla Irwin
Reader: “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness — on them light has shined… For a child has been born for us, an heir given to us; authority rests upon their shoulders; and the name is Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Nurturing Mother, and Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:2, 6)
Reader: Today we remember the prophets of old, who demanded to be heard, who dared to speak of a child to come, unexpected liberator of the people, vulnerable incarnation of the Holiest of Holies, a new name for God.
People: Today we give thanks for the prophets among us, who bring to us surprising new visions of hope, who challenge us to think outside the box, who show us a future we never anticipated.
Reader: On this first Sunday of Advent, we light this candle as a symbol of the prophets who renew our faith and remind us of what may be.
Lao Tzu # 19 Witter Bynner followed by 5 minutes of silence
Rid of formalized wisdom and learning people would be a hundredfold happier, rid of conventionalized duty and honor people would find their families dear, rid of legalized profiteering people would have no thieves to fear. These methods of life have failed, all three.
Here is the way, it seems to me: Set people free, as deep in their hearts they would like to be, from private greeds and wanton needs.
Poetry by Carole Megarry
Welcome, Announcements & Offering
Special Performance by Mary Parker
Scripture Reading Mark 13:24-37 by Jesse Watkins
“But in those days, after that suffering, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see ‘the Son of Man coming in clouds’ with great power and glory. Then he will send out the angels, and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven.
“From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that he is near, at the very gates. Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.
“But about that day or hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Beware; keep alert; for you do not know when the time will come. It is like a man going on a journey, when he leaves home and puts his slaves in charge, each with his work, and commands the doorkeeper to be on the watch.
Therefore, keep awake–for you do not know when the master of the house will come, in the evening, or at midnight, or at cockcrow, or at dawn, or else he may find you asleep when he comes suddenly.
And what I say to you I say to all: Keep awake.”
Sermon by Pastor Walter Lockhart
Walker Singers “Pour Forth Thy Spirit” by Thomas Tallis
Circle with Joys & Concerns & sharing of bread & juice brought by Linda Berglin
Hospitality Time
Thanks for set-up by the Hospitality Committee
DS/Church visit: Mon, Dec 4, 7 pm at Epworth UMC, 3207 37th Av So. This year DS Dan Johnson will be visiting with strategic cluster groups of churches. This will be an opportunity to share and think strategically. We would ask that each church send four to eight representatives of clergy and key leaders to these conversations. Highly recommended are the clergy, church lay leader, council chair, appropriate program staff. Your particular group will focus on South Minneapolis Ministry.
Community Meal & Food Giveaway: Tuesday, Dec 5 Doors open & food giveaway at 5 pm. Meal served 5:30 to 6:45. Free, everyone welcome. Volunteers are needed. FFI Pastor Walter Lockhart
South High’s Music Department Benefit-Sounds of South: Fri, Dec 8, 6:30 to 9:30 pm at Walker Church.
Enjoy a music-filled evening and support South High music students! Sounds of South will feature performances from our orchestra, band, choir and guitar students. South’s excellent ensemble directors will also make a special musical appearance. Additionally, guests attending the benefit will have an opportunity to purchase raffle tickets, mystery gift boxes and a visit to “The Giving Tree”. Light refreshments and non-alcoholic beverages will also be available for purchase. All benefit proceeds go to the South High Music Department and will be used primarily for student scholarships. Adult tickets $20 in advance, $ 25 at the door, student tickets $ 5. To purchase advance tickets go to:
Sunday Celebration December 10 – the 2nd Sunday of Advent
Community Meal & Food Giveaway: Tuesday, Dec 12 Doors open & food giveaway at 5 pm. Meal served 5:30 to 6:45. Free, everyone welcome. Volunteers are needed. FFI Pastor Walter Lockhart
Finance committee meeting: Wed, Dec 13, 5 pm. FFI KC Bretzke
Building & Grounds committee meeting: Wed, Dec 13, 6 pm. FFI Ed Ed Mueller or Al Hildenbrand
Community Meal Fundraising Dinner: Fri, Dec 15, 6 pm. FFI Pastor Walter Lockhart
Sunday Celebration December 17 – the 3rd Sunday of Advent There be a Santa Lucia Ceremony & Yule. FFI Celebration Committee
Winter Solstice Sun Candle Ritual: Sun. Dec. 17th 6 pm. Everyone is welcome to gather at 6 pm and join in the Solstice Candle Ritual in the Sanctuary from 6:30pm–7:45pm. As the Winter Solstice draws near we celebrate the coming rebirth of the Sun in our lives. We will honor the quiet beauty of Winter and bless the Sun by lighting candles to represent what brings light to our lives. Candles will be provided. FFI–Bonita Blumenauer or Nancy Gehrenbeck-Miller
Community Meal & Food Giveaway: Tuesday, Dec 19 Doors open & food giveaway at 5 pm. Meal served 5:30 to 6:45. Free, everyone welcome. Volunteers are needed. FFI Pastor Walter Lockhart
Blue Christmas Service: Fri, Dec 22, 7 pm by the fireplace. Time to reflect on the real trials, pains and challenges of the holiday season. FFI Pastor Walter Lockhart
Solstice Celebration: Sat, Dec 23, 7 pm to 9 pm. Join friends and neighbors to welcome back the sun.
Klezmer Music by New Strings-Judith Eisner and Gretta Hunstiger, violin, Beth Albertson, cello, Stu Janis, tsimbl. A ritual with Elizabeth Zimmermann. Refreshments served. Free, All donations will go to the Walker Church Community Meal. FFI Judith Eisner
4th Sunday of Advent Celebration & Christmas Eve Day December 24:
This Sunday we will celebrate the 4th Sunday of Advent at our regular 10:30 am celebration. There will be a potluck following the service, and then we will have the Littlest Angel Christmas Pageant at 2 pm. The pageant will include congregational singing and will end with lighting the final candle of the Advent wreath.
Community Meal & Food Giveaway: Tuesday, Dec 26 Doors open & food giveaway at 5 pm. Meal served 5:30 to 6:45. Free, everyone welcome. Volunteers are needed. FFI Pastor Walter Lockhart
The Ukulele Yuletide Ball the Boxing Day Edition Tuesday December 26, 6-8pm Come for the Community Dinner and stay for the Fireroast Mountain Boys, Stone Arch Jazz Band, Elvis Presley, Santa (on her day off no less). All free. Bring your ukulele and play along. See how many ukuleles and tubas we can get together for a waltz. Dance the Holiday Blues Away. Less Holiday music this year and more fun. See David West 612 419 6849 for more details or ukulele charts.
Other Announcements
The Littlest Angel Christmas Pageant will be performed on Sun, Dec 24 at 2 pm:
Rehearsals are: Tues, Dec 5, 6:30 to 9 pm in the Sunday school room and after 8 pm in the sanctuary; Sun, Dec 10, 12:15 to 1:15 & Sun, Dec 17, 12:15 to 1:15.
FFI Janet Skidmore
It’s Time to DECIDE on the Roof Depot Site! : Community meeting Thursday– Nov. 30th – 6:30 PM at East Phillips Park 2307 17th Ave. S. Food and Refreshments provided
The Community would like to share space with the City’s Water Works Department and turn 3 acres of the 7 acre site into an Indoor Urban Organic Farm with a Coffee/Sandwich Shop, a Bicycle Repair facility and a Market to sell produce and local artisan’s work. This facility would buffer the residential neighborhood on the West from the trucks and industrial activities of the water works AND Provide meaningful jobs and fresh organic food for the neighborhood. The City would like most, if not all, of the site for more industry! What do you want? It’s time to choose. FFI Steve Sandberg
Ongoing Walker & Walkerite Groups
Chalice Circle: Sundays 9 to 10 am in the Meditation Room. We listen to music, meditate, read a passage on the subject of spiritual growth, and use the circle method to discuss our thoughts and feelings. All are welcome! Come once or many times!
Coffee Gathering: Mondays 10 to noon at Lake Street Coffee, 3223 E Lake St. FFI Pastor Walter Lockhart
Community Meal & Food Giveaway: Tuesdays, Doors open & food giveaway at 5 pm. Meal served 5:30 to 6:45. Free, everyone welcome. Volunteers are needed FFI Pastor Walter Lockhart
Walker Singers: Tuesdays 7 to 8 pm led by Jim McCreary
Initiates: 3rd Sunday of each month 8:15 to 10:15 am in the conference room. FFI Lou Tofte or Howard Kranz
Men’s Potluck Brunch: one Saturday of each month at someone’s home.
Women’s Potluck Brunch: 4th Saturday of each month at someone’s home. FFI Lulu Philips
Open Flow Forum: 1st Thursday of each month 7 to 9 pm. A group of artists with disabilities FFI Tara Innmon or Kip Shane
Health & Wellness Services at Walker by Walkerites
Alice Browne’s Music Therapy & Sound Healing: By appointment. Contact Alice 612-860-6644
Sarah Dagg Massage Therapist: Two days each month between 9 am to 5 pm by appointment. Contact Sarah 218-831-9570
Other on-going groups meeting at Walker that are open to all
East Lake LOL AA: A mixed, open AA group that meets every Wednesday 6:30 to 7:30 pm
Rosen Movement: Wednesdays 9 am to 10 am for simple movement with music. Open to all, come any week, cost: $5 to $10. FFI Phyllis Wiener
Aware Dance: Wednesdays 7:15 to 9:15 pm Free style movement with music. Cost $10-15 FFI Facebook Aware Dance & Movement
Hoop Twin Cities: Thursdays 6:30 to 8:30 pm Free hoola hooping for all ages FFI
Queer Birth Project: 2nd Saturday of each month 10 to noon. LGBTQ new parent support group
Bluegrass Jam: Last Monday of each month 7 to 10 pm. Free, come to jam or listen. FFI Roy Vanderwerf
Neurodiversity Group: 2nd Thursday of each month 7 to 9 pm led by Paul Johnson. Free emotional support for adults on the autism spectrum and their family & friends.
Northern Mississippi Prisoner Support Group: 3rd Thursday of each month 6 to 8 pm. Open to all, a letter writing night to build and sustain relationships with prisoners in Minnesota and beyond. FFI Bailey Riley