Weekly Announcements

In chronological order:  Walker events & meetings (all at the church unless noted otherwise) & Public Events organized by others that will be held at Walker.


Women’s Potluck Brunch:  Sat, Aug 22, 9:30 am at church.  FFI call Lulu


Sunday Celebration

August 23, 2015

Greetings by Paul McHugh, Carole Megarry & Anne Tiller

Communal Singing led by Conrad deFiebre & Dianne O’Donnell

Communal Reading:  Our mission is to nurture spirituality, build caring community & work courageously for peace with justice and mercy.

Opening Smudge 

Lao Tzu #  followed by 5 minutes of silence

Poetry read by Jesse Watkins

Welcome, Announcements & Offering

Special Performance by Howard Kranz

Scripture Reading by Patricia Watkins

Sermon by Mary Buckley

Special Performance by Anne Hamre, Mary Parker & Tony Wentersdorf

Circle with Joys & Concerns & sharing of bread & juice brought by __________________


Hospitality Time

Thanks for

Hospitality set-up by Barbara Hager

Hospitality treats by ________________

Clean-up by___________________



Community Meal:  Tues, Aug 25, 5:30 to 6:45 pm.

Sunday Celebration:  August 30 in the park led by Mary Buckley with a sermon by Mary

Bluegrass Jam:  Mon, Aug 31, 7 pm to 10 pm

Community Meal:  Sep 1, 5:30 to 6:45 pm.

Labor Day Sunday Celebration:  September 6 in church with a guest speaker from 15 NOW

Homecoming Sunday Celebration & Potluck: September 13 with a sermon by Pastor Walter Lockhart

Fall Rummage Sale:  Thurs-Sun, Oct 1-4. Set-up begins Monday, Sep 28



Walker Announcements


Our thoughts and prayers are with Kelly Waterman in the sudden deaths of her sister and niece in a car crash on Sunday, August 16.  Kelly & family are gathering in New York.  (See also Kelly’s post on the Walker Community United Methodist Church Facebook page.)


Tony Wentersdorf has qualified for the Semi-finals of the Minnesota State Fair Amateur Talent Contest (in the Open category) for the second year in a row.  He will be playing OVER THE RAINBOW on his autoharp on the big outdoor stage near the Space Needle on Thursday September 3rd sometime after 6 p.m.  The talent contest finalists get to play at the Grandstand Sunday evening September 6th.

Artists! Mark your calendar for the 2015 Walker Church Holiday Art Fair, Saturday, November 21, 10 am to 4 pm & Sunday, November 22, noon to 4 pm.  No booth fee, donate 15% of proceeds to Walker Church.

To apply, simply send contact information, a description of your work and a photo if you would like us to use your photo in publicity by November 1, email kcbretzke@gmail.com



Other Announcements


Let’s Celebrate Our Beloved Community!  Saturday, Aug 22 at Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Park

10:30 am:  Gather for a rally & speeches at Sabathani Community Center on 38th St & 3rd Av.

Noon:  March to MLK Park on 40th Street & Nicollet Ave.

1 pm to 4 pm:  Dedication of the Beloved Community Project followed by music, food & entertainment for the whole family.  Sponsored by the Park Legacy Council



Walker Events held every week

Sunday Celebration Summer Schedule:  Celebration is at 10 am and will be held in Powderhorn Park near the corner of 33rd Street & 14th Avenue on August 30.   In case of rain it is held at the church.

Sunday Meditation Group 8:15-9:30 am.  FFI Nancy Larsen,

Monday Morning Coffee Gatherings10 am at Lake Street Coffee, 3223 East Lake St.

Walker Singers rehearse during the school year.  FFI Jim McCreary.

Community Meals Tuesdays 5:30 to 6:45 pm