Weekly Announcements

The Walker office will be closed:

Monday, December 21

Thursday, December 24

Friday, December 25

(It will be open 10 am to 2 pm on Tuesday, Dec 22 & Wednesday, Dec 23.


 In chronological order:  Walker events & meetings (all at the church unless noted otherwise)

& Public Events organized by others that will be held at Walker.


Homeless Memorial March and Service:  Thurs, Dec 17, 5:00 pm

5 pm Silent Vigil & March at Hennepin County Government Center, 3rd Avenue South & 5th Street South, After the Vigil the march will follow 5th Street South westward to Nicollet Avenue and proceed south to 28th Street. Shuttles to the march will depart from the Kmart at Lake Street and 1st Avenue, Minneapolis, starting at 4:00 pm. The last shuttle will depart at 4:20 sharp.

6:30 pm Service of Remembrance at Simpson United Methodist Church, 2740 1st Avenue South,

7:30 pm  Community Meal at Simpson Shelter on the lower level of Simpson Church. All are welcome!


Solstice Celebration-Klezmer Music for Meditation:  Fri, Dec 18, 7:30 pm.  During the darkest time of the year, people of all faiths contemplate earth’s cycles and the rebirth of the sun.
For hundreds of years mystical Yiddish music played on violin, mandolin, hammered dulcimer, and bass has been a deep source of spirituality and a way of quieting the mind. Please join Eisner’s Klezmorim for an evening of music, meditation, friendship, and refreshments.  Free will donation  FFI: eisnersklezmorim.com

 Walker Winter Solstice: Sat, Dec 19.  Gather at 4:30, Candle ritual to bless the returning light of the sun from 5 to 6 pm.  Then if you wish join a Walker group going to the 7 pm “Between the Worlds”

 Walker Group Going to “Between the Worlds”: Sat, Dec 19, 7 pm performance at Heart of the Beast Theater.  There are about 20 people from Walker going.  If you want to join us contact Bonita Blumenauer ASAP and she can add you to our group rate $ 15 tickets.

 Initiates: Sun, Dec 20, 8:15 to 10:15 am in the conference room.  FFI Lou Tofte


Fourth Sunday in Advent Celebration

December 20, 2015

 Greetings by Don Browne & Mary Burns

Communal Singing led by David West

Communal Reading:  Our mission is to nurture spirituality, build caring community & work courageously for peace with justice and mercy.

Advent Wreath Lighting by

Reader: “In those days a decree went out from Emperor Augustus that all the world should be registered. All went to their own towns to be registered. Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, because he was descended from the house and family of David” Reader: Today we remember Joseph, worn-out traveler and worried husband, doing what was necessary for the sake of his family, the burden of poverty stifling his hope in the promise of God. There was no room for him, yet he knows to whom he belongs.
People: Today we give thanks for the Josephs among us, migrating far from home when there is no choice, fiercely devoted to the ones they love, unwavering in their belief that there is room for all in the kin-dom of God.
Reader: On this fourth Sunday of Advent, we light this candle as a symbol of Joseph, who knocks at the door, ready to take his place among royalty. (Light two purple candles, the rose candle, and the last purple candle.)

Opening Smudge by Anne Tiller

Lao Tzu # 33 followed by 5 minutes of silence

Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.

If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich.
If you stay in the center and embrace death with your whole heart, you will endure forever.

Poetry by Kent Eklund

Welcome, Announcements & Offering

Special Performance by Jim Feldman & Howard Kranz

Scripture Reading:  Luke 1:46b-55

“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name.

His mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation.  He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts.  He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty.  He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, according to the promise he made to our ancestors, to Abraham and to his descendants forever.”

Sermon by Pastor Walter Lockhart

Walker Singers directed by Jim Feldman “Salvation is Created” by P. Tschesnokoff.

Circle with Joys & Concerns & sharing of bread & juice brought by Kay Seelhoff

Hospitality Time

Thanks for set-up by the Hospitality Committee, treats from Lulu Philips and clean-up by Steve Gehrenbeck-Miller

Walker Cookbook Sale $10 each or 5 for $46.


Blue Christmas Service:  Mon, Dec 21, 7 pm. An informal time around the fire place at church for conversation, hot cider and mutual support. We will be dealing with reality in the season of Joy.  FFI Walter.


Community Meal & Ukelele Yuletide Ball:  Tues, Dec 22.  Meal 5:30 to 6:45 coordinated by Walter.

Ukelele Yuletide Concert:  Tues, Dec 22, 6:30 pm to ?.   The Holiday is coming. Not the Solstice. Not Hanukah. Not Christmas. Not New Years. I’m speaking of course of the Ukulele Yuletide Ball, a feast day that this year falls just a couple hours after the earth turns back towards the sun and just as Walter has served us yet another luscious Tuesday Meal. Dancing? Check. Singing? Check. Santa Claus? Check. Elvis? Check Mate. This may be the only Solstice ritual you need. And this year featuring a whole new set of musicians as well as the Fireroast Mountain Boys. All free. In fact we’re giving you dinner if you come early.  FFI David West


Christmas Eve, Thursday December 24

Walker Celebration at 4 pm.  A service of music and readings.  Bring family and friends to here and tell the story of Love entering into our world with the birth of a child. The season is highlighted by a circle of friends and family holding candles and singing Silent Night. Following the Celebration there will be a

Potluck at 5 pm: In the Walker dining room.  Turkey and ham will be provided.

Simpson Celebration at 8 pm.  Many people from Walker will be leading service of Christmas lessons and carols at Simpson UMC, 2740 1st Ave South.  The guests of the homeless shelter will be invited to join the church community for a traditional Christmas Eve service with cookies and cider in the parlor.


Women’s Potluck Brunch:  Sat, Dec 26, 9:30 am at Kristine Smith’s home, 2536 29th Av S.  FFI Kristine Men’s Group Potluck Brunch:  Sat, Dec 26, 9:30 am at a home.  FFI Howard Kranz

Bluegrass Music Jam:  Mon, Dec 28, 7 to 9 pm.  FFI Roy Vanderwerf

Community Meal:  Tues, Dec 29, Meal 5:30 to 6:45 coordinated by Walter.

Walker Kitchen Cleaning:  Sat Jan 2, 9:30am – 1pm.  Help clean and organize kitchen shelves, equipment and inventory.  Many hands make light work!  Lunch provided. Contact Sarah Elizabeth 612 386-4517



Other Announcements


Becky Hanson is collecting donations for refugees for the International Institute of Minnesota.  Bring your donations to her front porch, 3700 36th Avenue South. FFI Becky

International Institute of Minnesota. 1694 Como Avenue (just west of Snelling & Como) St. Paul, MN 55108
Drop off times: 8:45am – 5pm Monday-Friday

Minnesota is one of the states accepting Syrian refugees. There are refugees (from all over the world) on their way to MN as we speak! The International Institute of Minnesota is helping to coordinate their arrival and gathering items that will make it a tiny bit easier.  Here’s what they need:

Baby Items: New Diapers & Wipes, gently used & laundered Baby clothes

Winter Clothing: Coats Boots Gloves, Hats, Scarves

Household Items: Dishes, Glassware, Silverware, Tea kettles, New Garbage cans, Garbage bags, Gently used laundered Bed linens, Blankets, Towels & Dish towels, Vacuums Laundry baskets

School Supplies: Pencils Calculators Pens Notebooks Folders Crayons Backpacks

Other Items: Maps of Mpls, St Paul Gift Cards (only to Cub Foods, Target, Goodwill) Bus Cards
Janet Skidmore will be performing in:

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang  through December 20th  at Minnetonka Theatre. Tickets $15 – $23.  FFI minnetonkatheatre.com, or 952-401-5898 and in the Holiday Pageant at Open Eye  on the evenings of Dec. 16, 20, possibly Dec. 22.  FFI www.openeyetheatre.org


Hosmer Library Book Sale:  Fri, Dec 18, 10 am to 5 pm; Sat, Dec 19, 9am to 5 pm; Sun, Dec 20, noon to 3 pm.  36th Street between 3rd & 4th Avenues.  Hundreds of adult and children’s books.  Proceeds support community programs at Hosmer


On-going Groups & Events FFI office@walkerchurch.org

Sunday Celebration & Children’s Sunday 10:30 am every Sunday.

Sunday Meditation Group 8:45 to 10 am every Sunday FFI Tony Wentersdorf

Monday Morning Coffee Gatherings10 am at Lake Street Coffee, 3223 East Lake St.

Walker Singers rehearse Tuesdays 7 to 8 pm. FFI Jim McCreary

Community Meals Tuesdays 5:30 to 6:45 pm.  FFI office@walkerchurch.org

Women’s Potluck Brunch is held the 4th Saturday of each month at 9:30 am at someone’s home.  FFI Lulu Philips

Men’s Group Potluck Brunch is held the 2nd Saturday of each month at 9:30 in the conference room & the 4th Saturday of each month at someone’s home.  FFI Howard Kranz

Initiates meet the 3rd Sunday of each month 8:15 to 10:15 am in the conference room.  FFI Lou Tofte or Howard Kranz

Autoharp Jams are held the 2nd Sunday of each month 1 to 3 pm.  FFI Tony Wentersorf

Hoop Twin Cities meets Wednesdays 7 to 8 pm.  Hoola hooping for all ages, free.  FFI hoopjeans@gmail.com

Rosen Movement meets Wednesdays 9 am to 10 am in the sanctuary.  FFI Phyllis Wiener wiernerphyllis@gmail.com

Sarah Dagg Massage is usually scheduled for 2 to 4 days each month. sdagg@crosslake.net

Bluegrass Music Jams are held the last Monday of each month 7 to 9 pm.  FFI Roy Vanderwerf revanster@gmail.com