Announcements June 8, 2016
Events & Meetings at Walker Church
- Walker Church Events & Meetings are open to all and are at the church unless noted otherwise.
- Events & Meetings of other groups are open to all unless noted as private.
- Private events and meetings of other groups are listed to show what is happening at Walker each day.
- The calendar on our website lists events & meetings further into the future.
- For more information on any of the events contact the Walker office
Ecstatic Movement: Wednesday, June 8, 7:30 pm to 9 pm. FFI below.
Witness for Peace Presentation: Thursday, June 9, 7 pm. The event will be bilingual-Spanish-English.
Join us in welcoming COPINH (Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras)General Coordinator Tomás Gómez Membreñoto Minneapolis.
Many of you have been aware of the escalating human rights crisis in Honduras, especially since the assassination of beloved Indigenous leader and COPINH founder Berta Cáceres. Tomas became the General Coordinator after Berta’s recent assassination. He has long been an active member of COPINH, using adult education and community radio as tools for mobilizing indigenous communities.
Tomás and COPINH have been part of a vibrant nation-wide network of organizations representing small farmers, women, afro-descendants and members of the LGBTQ community since the 2009 coup. Most recently, COPINH has been organizing against the Agua Zarca hydroelectric dam on their sacred Gualcarque river, one of more than 4 dozen illegal development projects on Lencan land that have not been approved through proper free, prior, and informed consent.
Private Falstrom Kid’s Dance: Friday, June 10, 5 pm to 9 pm in the sanctuary.
Walker Men’s Potluck Brunch: Saturday, June 11, 9:30 am to noon. The brunch is held the 2nd Saturday of each month in the conference room. FFI Jim Feldman
Private Breaking the Silence the Silence Graduation: Saturday, June 11, 7 am to noon
Private Transforming Families Group: Saturday, June 11, 12:30 to 3:30 pm. This private support group for families with transgender children meets the 2nd Saturday of each month. If you are interested in becoming a part of this group contact the Walker office for more information.
Private Baptism Celebration: Saturday, June 11, 3:30 pm to 11 pm upstairs.
Walker Sunday Meditation Group: Sunday, June 12, 9 am to 10 am in the meditation room. Everyone is welcome and you can come any week. FFI Tony Wentersdorf
Walker Sunday Celebration and Children’s Sunday School: Sunday, June 12, 10:30 am to noon with a sermon by Pastor Walter Lockhart.
Sunday Celebration
June 12, 2016
Greetings by Margo McCreary, Jan Werness & Janet Court
Communal Singing led by Dianne O’Donnell & Conrad deFiebre
Communal Reading: Our mission is to nurture spirituality, build caring community & work courageously for peace with justice and mercy.
Opening Smudge
Lao Tzu # 74 followed by 5 minutes of silence
If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to.
If you aren’t afraid of dying, there is nothing you can’t achieve.
Trying to control the future is like trying to take the master carpenter’s place.
When you handle the master carpenter’s tools, chances are that you’ll cut your hand.
Poetry by Howard Kranz
Welcome, Announcements & Offering
Scripture Reading Luke 7:36-8:3 by Janet Court
One of the Pharisees asked Jesus to eat with him, and he went into the Pharisee’s house and took his place at the table. And a woman in the city, who was a sinner, having learned that he was eating in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabaster jar of ointment. She stood behind him at his feet, weeping, and began to bathe his feet with her tears and to dry them with her hair. Then she continued kissing his feet and anointing them with the ointment. Now when the Pharisee who had invited him saw it, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would have known who and what kind of woman this is who is touching him–that she is a sinner.” Jesus spoke up and said to him, “Simon, I have something to say to you.” “Teacher,” he replied, “Speak.”
“A certain creditor had two debtors; one owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. When they could not pay, he canceled the debts for both of them. Now which of them will love him more?” Simon answered, “I suppose the one for whom he canceled the greater debt.” And Jesus said to him, “You have judged rightly.”
Then turning toward the woman, he said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave me no water for my feet, but she has bathed my feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. You gave me no kiss, but from the time I came in she has not stopped kissing my feet. You did not anoint my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with ointment. Therefore, I tell you, her sins, which were many, have been forgiven; hence she has shown great love. But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little.” Then he said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”
But those who were at the table with him began to say among themselves, “Who is this who even forgives sins?” And he said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” Soon afterwards he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. The twelve were with him, as well as some women who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna, the wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their resources.
Sermon by Pastor Walter Lockhart
Special Performance by Howard Kranz
Circle with Joys & Concerns & the sharing of bread & juice brought by Kay Seelfhoff
Hospitality Time: Thanks to the Hospitality Committee for set-up and to Lulu Philips for treats
Community Meal Meeting: Sunday, June 12 after celebration. We will meet to decide how to continue the meals, more volunteers are needed and everyone is encouraged to come to this meetings.
Autoharp Jam: Sunday, June 12, 3 pm to 5 pm. Jams are held the 2nd Sunday of each month from 3 pm to 5 pm. FFI Tony Wentersdorf
Walker Morning Coffee Gathering: Monday, June 13, 10 am to noon. The group gathers for coffee every Monday at Lake Street Coffee. 3223 East Lake St. Everyone is welcome and you can come any week. FFI Pastor Walter Lockhart
Walker Community Meal: Tuesday, June 14, 6 pm to 7 pm (doors open at 5:30) Free meals are held every Tuesday and everyone is welcome.
Rosen Movement: Wednesday, June 15, 9 am to 10 am. This informal group of simple and effective movement with music meets every Wednesday in the sanctuary. It costs $5 to $10 and is open to everyone and you can come any week. The first time you come it is free. FFI Phyllis Wiener
Ecstatic Movement: Wednesday, June 15, 7:30 pm to 9 pm. This movement and dance group for adults who are playful, sassy, fun-loving, fierce, curious, introspective, and adventurous on the dance floor meets every Wednesday in the sanctuary. It costs $5 to $10 and is open to everyone and you can come any week. Arrive at 7:15 to check in and warm up. FFI Facebook main page: Ecstatic Movement.
Community Forum–The Future of Our Country, Mexico: Friday, June 17, 6:30 pm. Three Mexican citizens will speak about the current situation and future of Mexico. The topics will be: Mexican elections 2016: How is National Regeneration Movement (Morena), participating in the current Mexican electoral process? Education Reform: What’s behind the so-called “Education Reform” by Enrique Peña Nieto? Disappearance by force, State crime: The Mexican State and its participation in the so-called Ayotzinapa case and other State crimes and crimes against humanity. FFI Facebook: Morena MN. Event organized by Morena Minnesota Committee
Private Graduation Celebration: Saturday, June 18, 1 pm to midnight in the dining room & kitchen.
Walker Initiates: Sunday, June 19, 8:15 am to 10:15 am. The group meets the 3rd Sunday of each month in the conference room. FFI Lou Tofte or Howard Kranz
Walker Church Sunday Celebration in Powderhorn Park: June 19. Celebration is near the corner of 33rd Street & 14th Avenue. In case of rain it will be held at church.
The Story Worship Celebration: Sunday, June 19, 4 pm. Worship celebrations are held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. We view ourselves as a messy community embracing the call to whole-heartedly follow Jesus, love our neighbor, and cultivate beauty in our world. For more information:
Sarah Dagg Massage Therapist: Monday & Tuesday, June 20 & 21, 9 am to 5 pm by appointment in the meditation room. Contact Sarah for appointments: 218-831-9570
Walker Community Meal: Tuesday, June 21, 6 pm to 7 pm (doors open at 5:30) Free meals are held every Tuesday and everyone is welcome.
Rosen Movement: Wednesday, June 22, 9 am to 10 am. This informal group of simple and effective movement with music meets every Wednesday in the sanctuary. It costs $5 to $10 and is open to everyone and you can come any week. The first time you come it is free. FFI Phyllis Wiener
Ecstatic Movement: Wednesday, June 22, 7:30 pm to 9 pm. This movement and dance group for adults who are playful, sassy, fun-loving, fierce, curious, introspective, and adventurous on the dance floor meets every Wednesday in the sanctuary. It costs $5 to $10 and is open to everyone and you can come any week. Arrive at 7:15 to check in and warm up. FFI Facebook main page: Ecstatic Movement.
Walker Women’s Potluck Brunch: .Saturday, June 25, 9:30 am to noon. The brunch is held 4th Saturday of each month at someone’s home. FFI Lulu Philips
Private Quinceanera Celebration: Saturday, June 25, 1 pm to midnight.
Walker Sunday Meditation Group: Sunday, June 26, 9 am to 10 am in the meditation room. Everyone is welcome and you can come any week. FFI Tony Wentersdorf
Walker Pride Sunday Celebration and Children’s Sunday School: Sunday, June 26, 10:30 am to noon with a sermon by Pastor Walter Lockhart.
Walker Community Meal: Tuesday, June 28, 6 pm to 7 pm (doors open at 5:30) Free meals are held every Tuesday and everyone is welcome.
Walker Church Council meeting: Tuesday, June 28, 6:45 pm.
Rosen Movement: Wednesday, June 29, 9 am to 10 am. This informal group of simple and effective movement with music meets every Wednesday in the sanctuary. It costs $5 to $10 and is open to everyone and you can come any week. The first time you come it is free. FFI Phyllis Wiener
Ecstatic Movement: Wednesday, June 29, 7:30 pm to 9 pm. This movement and dance group for adults who are playful, sassy, fun-loving, fierce, curious, introspective, and adventurous on the dance floor meets every Wednesday in the sanctuary. It costs $5 to $10 and is open to everyone and you can come any week. Arrive at 7:15 to check in and warm up. FFI Facebook main page: Ecstatic Movement.
Walker Church Sunday Celebrations in Powderhorn Park: June 19, July 3, July 17, July 31, August 14 & August 28. Celebration is near the corner of 33rd Street & 14th Avenue. In case of rain it will be held at church.
Thanks from Witness for Peace and Morena Minnesota Committee: The presentations at Walker by Witness for Peace and the Morena Minnesota Committee are sponsored by our Peace with Justice Committee. This means that these groups have been given free use of our space for about six events over the past several months. Both are informal all volunteer groups advocating for progressive social change. Many group members have expressed many thanks to Walker for sharing our space with them to host these events.
Volunteers are needed for Pride Weekend Saturday & Sunday, June 25 & 26.
The MN Reconciling Committee needs volunteers to set-up, man and tear down the UMC Reconciling Congregations booth in Loring Park, we are asking for 2 hour commitments for most positions. Please sign up Use this link Sign Up Sheet: MN Reconciling UM booth Pride 2016 June 25 & 26 – TimeToSignUp
Jim McCreary will be singing: Thursday, June 9. 7 pm at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, 900 Summit Avenue, St. Paul at a recital along with other students of Kristin Morant. Most of the students are youngsters, playing the piano or singing. After our individual performances, the students will join forces to present an abbreviated production of “The Wizard of Oz” in which Jim will portray the Cowardly Lion. Everyone is welcome. There is no admission charge. (From Jim McCreary)
Amoke Kubat book reading: Friday, June 10, 5:30 to 7 pm at the Art Shoppe in the Midtown Global Market on the Lake Street side. Amoke spoke at Walker a few months ago, she is the author of the book Missing Mama and wrote the play ANGRY BLACK WOMAN and Well Intentioned White Girl which was performed to sold out audiences last month. (From Tara Innmon)