Announcements March 9, 2017
Upcoming Events and Meetings
- All meetings and events listed are at Walker Church unless noted otherwise
- See our website Calendar for happenings further into the future.
- For more information please contact the Walker office
Daylight savings time begins Sunday, March 12. Remember to “spring ahead” and set your clocks ahead by one hour before you go to bed on Saturday so you can come to church on time.
Sunday Celebration
March 12, 2017
Greetings by Margo McCreary & Janet Court
Communal Singing led by David West
Communal Reading: Our mission is to nurture spirituality, build caring community & work courageously for peace with justice and mercy.
Lao Tzu proverb “The words of truth are always paradoxical.” followed by 5 minutes of silence
Welcome, Announcements & Offering
Reading from Ifa Odu (Holy Scripture) Ogbe Ose:
“Spiritual light leads one to the creation of abundance through the power of prayer and spoken word.”
Sunday Talk by Amoke Kubat
Walker Singers Performance: Lacrimosa
Closing Poem: “Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.” By Frank Outlaw
The Circle with joys and concerns
and the sharing of bread & juice brought by Lulu Philips.
* Ifa Odu (Holy Scripture) Ogbe Ose is from the teachings of Orunmila, the prophet of IFA/Orisa of the Yoruba People in Southwest Nigeria. This wisdom comes from the oral histories and present day divination of an indigenous spiritual practice.
Postcard writing for Ides of Trump (After The Ides of March): Sun, March 12, 12:15 pm. The idea is to write one, five or as many postcards as you wish expressing opinions (nonviolently) on issues you care about, and add Ides of Trump to the card. Alternatively, use a pink postcard to send Trump a pink slip. After the cards are written, we’ll photograph them to post photos to Walker’s Peace with Justice Page on Facebook and maybe the website. Bring postcards and stamps with you on Sunday; this won’t take long. I’ll have a few extra available if you forget. Postcards should be mailed on the 15th. FFI Allyson Hayward
Science Fiction Book Sale: Saturday, March 18, 10 am to 4 pm at Walker Community Church, 3104 16th Avenue South, Mpls 55407. Sale includes paperbacks, magazines & hard cover from the 1940’s, 50’s, 60’s and newer. Almost 2000 books! If you have books to donate to the sale or questions contact Ed Ed Mueller 612-205-6352.
Anne Tiller’s 60’s Birthday Bash! Sat, March 18, 6 to 11:30 pm. Potluck 6 to 9, Dance to the Wayneiacs 8 to 11:30 pm. Everyone Welcome! Please Come and Celebrate with Old Friends and New! $10.00 minimum suggested donation to Walker Church appreciated–no one turned away. Celebrate Anne’s Birthday in your favorite 1960’s clothing style (Optional) See her Pieceful Quilts Show. (The Quilt Show will be up in the dining hall March 13-24. Please make arrangements with Anne if you want to see the quilts and can’t make it to the party.) R.S.V.P. Anne Tiller
Cabin Fever Song Circle: Fri, March 24, 2017, 7 to 9 pm in front of the Walker fireplace. We’ll go around the circle. You can play or sing a song, request a song, (and we’ll play it if anybody knows it), or pass and just listen. We should be able to go around the circle several times. Bring your instruments and any snacks or beverages you might want. FFI Janet Skidmore 612-965-3335
Walker Work Day: Sat, March 25, 9 am to noon. We will clean the kitchen and do other projects to prepare and clean the interior of the church. FFI Ed Ed Mueller, Wayne Bailey, Al Hildenbrand
Improvisation Movement & Reader’s Group: Sundays, March 12, 19 and 26, 12:30 to 1:30pm in the sanctuary. The group will be led by Janet Skidmore. Bring a favorite poem, scripture, or other reading. You can either read or move, or do both if you want. FFI Janet 612-965-3335
Help Squash Hunger! Walker is participating in the FoodShare March Campaign and collecting donations for Community Emergency Service on 19st and 11th Av., The collection box will be in the Walker lobby through Sunday, April 2. Donations of the following are needed:
Non-perishable Food : Cooking oil, Flour 4 lb. bags, Sugar 4 lb. bags, Beef stew, Chili, Canned meat (chicken, tuna, salmon), Canned fruit, Canned pasta meals, Canned tomatoes, Coffee in small bags, Jelly, jam, 100% fruit juice
Hygiene: Toothbrush/paste, Bar soap, Shampoo, Conditioner, Deodorant, Shaving cream, Razors, Feminine products,Adult diapers (men’s and women’s) Toilet paper, Laundry soap, Dishwashing soap
Please Do: Give generously and donate your favorite foods.
Please Don’t: Give expired items or use this opportunity to clean out your cupboard.
Other Announcements
Bishop Ough speaking on immigration: Sun, March 12, 4 pm at Park Avenue UMC, 3400 Park Av So. The bulk of the program will be in Spanish, but we will translate Bishop Ough’s remarks into English. The purpose of the gathering is to invite our neighbors from the immigrant community (who are experiencing severe stress in light of recent events) to hear from our faith leader a word of encouragement, solidarity and support. Oganized by Iglesia Pieddra Viva and sponsored by Walker Community UMC, Simpson UMC, etc.
A documentary film “Doctrine of Discovery”: Thurs, Mar 16, 6:30 – 9 p.m. (optional meal at 5:30) at St. Anthony Park UM Church (a few blocks east of Luther Seminary just off Como Ave). After viewing the film there will be discussion with the director, Sheldon Wolfchild. The doctrine of discovery refers to church-related roots of mistreatment of native cultures around the world. The bishop of the local UMC Conference is expected to attend. (Co-sponsored by the Native American Ministry Action Team of the Minnesota Annual Conference.)
LUNAFEST Women’s Film Festival: Wed, April 26, 7 p.m. at the Riverview Theater in Minneapolis
You are invited to the LUNAFEST Women’s Film Festival. Come join us for spring fun and inspiration to support transforming psychological trauma into nonviolent power. Enjoy nine short films by, for, about women with festivities, raffles, and the VIP after Party with great conversations, music, appetizers and drinks! Info and tickets Sponsored by the MN Peacebuilding Leadership Institute