Announcements April 27, 2017
Upcoming Events and Meetings
- All meetings and events listed are at Walker Church unless noted otherwise
- See our website Calendar for happenings further into the future.
- For more information please contact the Walker office
Walker Rummage Sale
Thursday, April 27, 5:30 to 8:30 pm (neighborhood preview night)
Friday, April 28, 1:00 to 8:00 pm
Saturday, April 29, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Sunday, April 30, 12:30 to 3:30 pm (Bag sale, $4 per bag)
Sunday Celebration
April 30, 2017
(In the dining hall)
Greetings by Steve Gehrenbeck-Miller
Communal Singing led by Conrad deFiebre & Dianne O’Donnell
Communal Reading: Our mission is to nurture spirituality, build caring community & work courageously for peace with justice and mercy
Lao Tzu #18 Witter Bynner followed by 5 minutes of silence
When people lost sight of the way to live
Came codes of love and honesty,
Learning came, charity came,
Hypocrisy took charge;
When differences weakened family ties
Came benevolent parents and dutiful children;
And when lands were disrupted and misgoverned
Came ministers commended as loyal.
Poetry by Jesse Watkins
Welcome, Announcements & Offering
Scripture Reading: Psalm 116 by Cheryl Kramer
My love is for God, who knows me and hears my voice when I cry out. When the grip of fears and anxieties take hold of me, when I come to grief and sorrow I call on God and find relief. Rest, O my soul, relax. God is with you. God has given your life meaning, soothed your sufferings, and guided your feet.
Walk in God’s presence in the land of the living even when you are very low, even when trust is hard, Call on God’s name, Fulfill your promise, Be grateful, Lighten up. Sing.
Sermon by Pastor Walter Lockhart
Special Performance by Tony Wentersdorf
Circle with Joys & Concerns & sharing of bread & juice brought by Maurine Stenwick
Hospitality Time
Thanks for set-up by the Hospitality Committee
And for treats by Lulu Philips
Pandora: Fri, May 5, 7 pm. Tony Wentersdorf will be doing a CD Release concert with Mary Parker and Sally Kuehn at Walker. His new CD is called PANDORA and features 12 original songs he has written recently. A free-will donation of $8.00 is requested, and the CDs, as well as CD songbooks will be available. Refreshments will be served.
Buildings and Grounds meeting: Wed, May 10, 6 pm. FFI Ed Ed Mueller
African Spirituality Class by Amoke Kubat: Wed, May 10, 6:30 to 8:30. This is an introduction to the series of classes that Amoke will teach on IFA Theology, Orisa and ancestors on Wednesdays May 24, 31, June 7, 14, 21, and 28, 6:30 to 8:30 pm. If you have questions, please contact Amoke
Committed to the Struggle: Fri, May 12, 7 to 9 pm. Former Political Prisoner Daniel McGowan Speaking on Repression and Radical Activism under Trump, Daniel McGowan is a social justice activist from NYC whose arrest and conviction for “eco-terrorism” in 2005 became a flashpoint in the Green Scare repression of environmental and animal rights activist communities. His story is the focus of the Academy Award nominated documentary film If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front. Daniel will be talking about his own personal history and sharing novel approaches to movement building and radical activism under the Trump administration. This talk is free and open to the public. Childcare will be provided. Sponsored by the Animal Rights Coalition. FFI Facebook:
15 Now Unplugged: Sat, May 13, 7 pm. Performances by Mama Caught First, Gabriel, J-Sirrius and more
Sunday Celebration & Potluck in honor of Pastor Walter Lockhart’s 25 Years of Ministry: May 21.
Walker and Simpson Churches are partnering with Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary to acknowledge this milestone and celebrate with Walter. A guest from Walter’s alma mater, will speak during Celebration and a special offering will be taken to establish the Walter Lockhart Endowed Scholarship at Garrett. There will be special performances by Kent Eklund and the Walker Singers will perform Holy, Holy, Holy on kazoo. After the Celebration we will have a potluck to which Simpson members and friends of Walter’s have been invited and during which donations can be made to the Walker Community Meal. Please sign up if you can help with set-up or clean-up for the potluck and/or know what you will bring.
Memorial service to honor David Henry Schultz: Friday, June 2, at 6:30 pm. There will be a service followed by a dessert reception. Questions? Contact Dianne O’Donnell
Walker Announcements
All are invited to Amoke Kubat’s Graduation from United Theological Seminary: Sunday, May 7, 3 pm at the Plymouth Congregational Church. (Amoke will continue to intern at Walker until August and will be teaching classes on Indigenous West African Spirituality in May and June.)
Mary Burns would love some help organizing and down-sizing her “apartment”. If you can put in two hours on a Tuesday or Thursday starting at 1:00. Mary says that she could use up to two people in any one time-slot if you want to pair up with someone!! Bring a box or two if you have any handy! Let’s schedule April and May! April 20th, 25th, 27th… May 2nd, 4th, 9th, 11th, 16th, 18th, 23rd, 25th. Please email me, Margo, with availability
Other Events
People’s Climate March: Saturday, April 29, 2:30 PM – 6 PM. Minneapolis US Federal Courthouse -300 4th St S, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415. Join us (e.g. the Sierra Club Northstar Chapter) for a People’s Climate March in the Twin Cities (while the People’s Climate March is happening in Washington DC) to challenge the backwards and dangerous policies of the Trump Administration and the threat they pose to our climate and our communities. This is a moment to bring the range of progressive social change movements together. Pushing back against the Trump agenda and at the same time pushing forward on our vision of a clean, safe world where the rights of all people are protected and expanded means we all must work together.
Facebook event:
People’s Climate March Minnesota page:
International Workers’ Day: Monday, May 1 MIRAC (Minnesota Immigrant Rights Coalition) is asking the support of our congregation by attending the activities scheduled for the day. A Community Gathering begins at 3:00 at East Phillips Park (24th St. and Cedar Ave.), followed by the March at 4:30, and a Rally at the Federal Building (4th St. and 4th Ave., downtown Mpls) at 6:30.
Guardianship of Water: Wed, May 3, 5- 8:30 pm at Summit Brewing in St Paul. Special guests Carolyn Roffensperger, Sharon Day and musician Sara Thomsen. Presented by Northland Sustainable Solutions
Queen of Syria Documentary: Thurs, May 11, 7 pm at Trylon Microcinema, 3258 Minnehaha Ave in Minneapolis. It is part of a nationwide series of films presented by movie theaters and community centers across the U.S. as an act of cinematic solidarity against Islamophobia and the President’s travel ban. Tickets are available online ( or at the door. The screening is supported by the local Committee in Solidarity with the People of Syria (CISPOS), and all proceeds will be donated to the Syrian American Medical Society, a nonprofit organization that represents thousands of Syrian-American medical professionals in the U.S. and assists Syrian refugees in need.
Transition community-based art project: Saturday, May 20, 6 to 9 pm at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts, 1011 Washington Ave. Climate Chaos/People Rising is the theme of this year‘s Northern Spark to be held Sat, June 10, 9 PM to 5:30 AM along the LRT green line. Pick up a free t-shirt and customize it with a logo of actions you are already taking to wear at Northern Spark. Artists will help you with screen printing and you can also work with a book artist to create tiny books to distribute at the event. Family friendly event; kids welcome to help out. Transition is a global, citizen-led movement of people taking action to reduce their carbon footprint, prepare for a changing climate, relocalize their economy and build resilient, socially connected communities. FFI Leslie MacKenzie 612-810-3216 (cell) / 612-724-4265 (home)
Ongoing Walker & Walkerite Groups
Circle Gathering: Sundays 9 to 10 am. The circle is currently discussing the teachings of Thich Nhat Hahn. FFI Mary Parker & Tony Wentersdorf
Coffee Gathering: Mondays 10 to noon at Lake Street Coffee, 3223 E Lake St. FFI Pastor Walter Lockhart
Community Meal: Tuesdays 6 to 7 pm. Free, everyone welcome!
Walker Singers Rehearsals: Tuesdays 7 to 8 pm through May 30 led by Jim McCreary
Initiates: 3rd Sunday of each month 8:15 to 10:15 am in the conference room. FFI Lou Tofte or Howard Kranz
Men’s Potluck Brunch: 2nd Saturday of each month at someone’s home.
Women’s Potluck Brunch: 4th Saturday of each month at someone’s home. FFI Lulu Philips
Open Flow Forum: 1st Thursday of each month 7 to 9 pm. A group of artists with disabilities FFI Tara Innmon or Kip Shane
Feminist Sci-Fi Book Club: Saturdays 1:30 to 3:30 pm. FFI Janet Court.
Health & Wellness Services by Walkerites
Alice Browne Music Lessons, Therapy & Sound Healing: Thursdays & Fridays by appointment. Lessons in beginning piano, guitar, fiddle, all levels of voice and Sound Healing-a massage of sound vibrations. Contact Alice 612-860-6644
Sarah Dagg Massage Therapist: Two days each month between 9 am to 5 pm by appointment. Contact Sarah 218-831-9570
Other on-going groups meeting at Walker
Rosen Movement: Wednesdays 9 am to 10 am for simple movement with music. Open to all, come any week, cost: $5 to $10. FFI Phyllis Wiener
Yoga Flow Class: Wednesdays 6 to 7 pm taught by Julia Starr. Free, beginners welcome, bring a yoga mat. FFI
Aware Dance (formerly called Ecstatic Movement): Wednesdays 7:15 pm to 9:15 pm. Free style movement with music. Cost: $10-15.
Hoop Twin Cities: Thursdays 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Free hoola hooping for all ages FFI
The Story Worship Celebration: 1st, 3rd (and sometimes 5th) Sunday of each month at 4 pm. FFI
Private Queer Birth Project: 2nd Saturday of each month 10 to 11:30 am. LGBTQ new parent group FFI Walker office
Private Transforming Families Group: 2nd Saturday of each 1 to 3 pm. Support for families with transgender children FFI Walker office.
Autoharp Jams: 2nd Sunday of each month 3 to 5 pm. FFI Tony Wentersdorf
Bluegrass Jam: Last Monday of each month 7 to 10 pm. Free, come to jam or listen. FFI Roy Vanderwerf
Political Prisoner Letter Writing: 1st Thursday of each month 7 to 9 pm. A small group meets to write letters to political prisoners.
Neurodiversity Group: 2nd Thursday of each month 7 to 9 pm led by Paul Johnson. Free emotional support for adults on the autism spectrum.
Walker Community United Methodist Church
3104 16th Avenue South, Mpls MN 55407
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 10 am to 2 pm. Phone: 612-722-6612.
Office e-mail: Website:
Facebook Page: Walker Community United Methodist Church
Facebook Group: Walker Church Arts & Performance
Facebook Group: Walker Community UMC Peace with Justice
Pastor Walter Lockhart 651-646-3693
Children’s Ed Coordinator: Olivia Peterson
Administrator: Jennifer Gahnstrom
Bookkeeper: Carrie Feldman
Communications: Deb Ramage
Custodian: Ignacio Amigon 612-554-0483