Minutes of the WUMC Finance Committee Meeting September 13, 2017
Present: KC Bretzke, chair, Carrie Feldman, staff, Pastor Walter Lockhart, members Jan Werness and Carole Megarry and Church Council chair Lulu Phillips.
An Agenda was set.
Financial Reports.
Financial Reports were reviewed. It was noted that individual donations are a bit low, but this is not unusual for the summer months. Question arose as to how to handle and report donations by WUMC members to “outside” programs. WL noted that we should be reporting funds raised for “missions” so that we should track these funds, even if they are passed directly to the outside program and never deposited to WUMC accounts. CF indicated that it is often confusing to her what special offerings are taken, and how long they go on. It was requested that CF prepare a proposed policy to guide her in handling these funds. WL will confer with her as needed.
The question of apportionments was raised. WL noted that apportionment payments made by Jan. 10 2018 will be credited to 2017 apportionments. For year- end planning, including the budget and to establish salaries, we need a November Fin. Comm. Meeting. Church Council will meet November 12, 2017. Fin. Comm. will meet November 8, 2017 at 5 p.m.
As to the reserve account, WL noted that the balance stands at approximately $70,000 which is down $19,000 from the time it was established four years ago. He further noted that this is better than what we projected we would spend over the past four years. It was noted that utility expenses are over budget. There are apparently difficulties with the building systems and that air conditioning sometimes runs unnecessarily, although the building is very busy, and so that air conditioning is needed. The dishwasher is also a major draw on electrical service. Discussion was had to the effect that if a formal program were to take over the meals, some of the utility expenses might be passed on to the program and made a part of that program’s budget. WL informed the committee that he has an intern from UTS coming on board, and the focus of that intern’s work will be to try to establish a non-profit entity that would manage meals at WUMC, Simpson and Living Spirit.
No expense appears in the YTD summary for building insurance. That is because the insurance is paid yearly, in December. WL noted that the insurance policy should be reviewed and possible adjustments made. This is a task for Church Council.
Fall Giving Appeal
We have generally made the Estimate of Giving requests in late October. It was agreed that Jan and Lulu would do the Sunday “pitch” in late October. We discussed other appeals, considering the natural disasters in the U.S. and worldwide, as well as requesting contributions to the Community meals. WL noted a strong Methodist connection with Africa, presently suffering with mudslides. It was agreed that in November the community would be offered the opportunity to contribute to either the local meals program or/and UMCOR.
Wesley Campus Ministry
We (CF) have been doing the payroll bookkeeping for this program since March 1, 2017. WL advises that the program currently has $200 per month budgeted for this, but as yet, we have not billed them. Discussion was had as to what amount was appropriate to bill. It was agreed that $200 is appropriate, and the CF should prepare an invoice for the quarter March- June and put it out, and that she should do the same at the end of September and thereafter, quarterly.
Salary Information
KC noted that for purposes of preparing and reviewing a budget, we need detail as to how much each staff person is paid, and that Church Council (now having the authority of the old Pastor and Personnel Relations committee) also needs this information for its November meetings. WL noted that this should not be made public or put on the website, in the interest of protecting the privacy of staff, with the exception of his own information, which he agreed could be fully disclosed. The issue of Ignacio’s compensation needs review in that he is both paid a regular salary and also earns additional sums depending on what services he performs incident to church rentals, etc.
October Coverage for CF
Since CF will be gone in mid October, JW and KC agreed to meet after church on October 15 and review any need for checks to be written or other routine business to be handled in her absence.
Donations to UM Builders
Question was raised as to whether we have paid the UMB “asking” for 2017. CF will look back in the books and check on this. The amount is estimated at $450 and it was agreed that if it has not been paid, it should be.
The meeting was adjourned at 6 p.m
Minutes by Carole Megarry