Present: Greg Garman, Jan Werness, Wayne Bailey, Steve Sandberg, Mary Parker, Al Hildenbrand, K.C. Bretzke, Walter Lockhart, Deb Ramage, Nancy Larsen.
The minutes were approved as corrected. We will omit the statement that there will be a guest speaker once a month during celebration from the minutes.
There will be two all church meetings during the month of October on the 15th and the 29th. We will address the $3700 budget shortfall we have each month. Plans to meet this crisis will come out of the values of the community.
Al stated that we are going ahead with plans to sell the parsonage. Dianne O’Donnell is the realtor. The asking price is $210,000.
Struggles with the heating system of the new church are ongoing.
K.C. reported for the Staff Parish Relations Committee. They have been working on a safer church policy, which they will bring before the whole church. Allison will ask a speaker to address the church on the topic. SPRC is also getting feedback from the staff about what they can and can’t do with reduced hours.
Steve reported that Jera continues to do a great job with the Sunday School. Greg asked about the possibility of adult education classes and a Spanish conversation group.
Mary mentioned upcoming events: a pagan Yule service, a Christmas pageant, Day of the Dead, Ash Wednesday, spring equinox, Bioneers, Death Cafe, movie night and a cabaret. Also, we are starting a new lending library. Mary had planned to put the bookshelf for the library in the teen room, but Walter objected because the teens had not been consulted. Deb, as a representative of the Communications Task Force, agreed to talk to various groups to come to a consensus about the location of the book shelf.
Deb is currently in the process of redesigning the Walker web site. Walter stated that when we design the flyer for the Rummage Sale, we should add the dates of upcoming events such as the Art Fair. Also, the task force needs to generate privacy policies as to the web site and emails which would be approved by the church council.
Greg wondered if we need a kitchen cabinet. Walter replied that we need to be in conversation about how to use the new space.
Walter gave the pastor’s report. We have to determine how to move forward as a small church. He added that Walker as an institution has a higher priority than him being a part of the institution. After he spends 8 hours preparing for Celebration and being there, he has 16 hours left. If there are multiple meeting during the week he must attend, that takes most of the time. K. C. wondered if Walter could have two appointments, thus two salaries and a living wage. We will consult the district superintendent in November.
There is the possibility of a Walker community garden on Bloomington Avenue in a vacant lot.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Larsen
Church Council Secretary