Present were: Church administrator Jennifer Gahnstrom, committee chair Lulu Phillips, members Jan Werness and Carole Megarry, Al Hildenbrand (Trustees) and Steve Sandberg. (Pastor Lockhart is on sabbatical leave.)
The minutes of the meeting of May 12 were approved.
A discussion ensued regarding the decision-making process for the potential sale of the parsonage property. Jennifer had prepared a summary of the various expenses and income for that property from the time it ceased to be used as a “parsonage” per se through the current year. Steve pointed out that this information had not been made available to the congregation in general either prior to or at the Church Conference held May 22, 2014. It was noted that these figures do not include labor performed by Wayne Bailey or services he paid for without reimbursement. No one was able to say the number of hours he contributed or the cost of services he paid.
While at least one member of the community has experience owning and managing rental property, it was noted there had been no offer by him or anyone to contribute such services. Walter and other members of the trustees apparently had some discussion as to what a for-profit operation of the building might generate as to income and expenses, including management fees, real property tax and income tax.
Steve raised the issue of what marketing efforts will be needed to grow the community which reasonably could yield increased income. He noted that the website is outdated and needs improvement. Discussion followed as to what is currently updated on the website and what needs work. The website is currently without a coordinator. Steve is acquainted with a woman who has experience managing websites and he agreed to contact her to see if she might be available for advice or services.
It was suggested that we explore forming a marketing committee, and that JG put into this into the weekly announcements and request that anyone interested should contact her.
Steve noted our new facility should be useful in fundraising through hosting dances and benefits. JG noted that we need more site managers if we are going to have more activities in the building. JG will ask for volunteer site managers. A training session should be held so the new managers know what is expected of them and parties renting the premises.
The Finance Report of May 31, 2014, and the current Operating Fund Financial Report were reviewed and approved.
An Art Fair is on the calendar for November 22 and 23, 2014. We will need a coordinator.
Next Finance Committee meeting is set for ______________at 3 p.m.
Minutes by Carole Megarry