Trustees Meeting Minutes
March 9, 2016
Those present: Ed Ed Mueller, Al Hildenbrand, Wayne Bailey, K. C. Bretzke, Trenk Ebbighausen, Adel Gardener
Minutes of the last meeting were corrected and approved.
Promissory note was revisited and two documents signed a second time and left in the Walker Office.
Wayne is curious about what is going to happen to the yard around the Church this growing season. It was noted that the “Walker Gardens ” group is meeting March 15th after the Community Meal at Walker.
Adel Gardener met with the Trustees re: Ecstatic Movement, a dance group of about 30, that she says is growing in size, is considering using the Sanctuary space on Wednesday nights. The group is asking Walker (1) to provide Wednesday night off street parking, (2) to provide a freshly mopped Sanctuary floor done just before Wednesday night, (3) to remove the Sanctuary chairs before they arrive and (4) to replace the chairs after they arrive. (5) The dance group is asking to store speakers and speaker stands at Walker. KC Bretzke said she would contact people about the Fairview Development Company to inquire about additional hours of use. Ed Ed recalled that adding staff for set up and take down for tenant use had been talked about before. It was recognized that our part time custodian, Ignacio, has other gainful employment already and was not available for such tasks for the Adel’s group. The dance group sound equipment could be stored in the Green Room which is used by other groups for equipment as well.
Elevator report. Thyssen Krupp’s Steve Anderson (lead troubleshooting technician, “Adjuster”) serviced the elevator on Tuesday afternoon. Steve was called to answer Wally Bulera’s (Minneapolis Elevator Inspector) finding “Phase II not working”. Al met Steve Anderson at Walker near the beginning of his work and explained the history of last July 29th elevator operation not returning after the power outage, and the “Car lost all software. Reinstalled,” bill, and that we feel we’re being asked to pay for the installer’s error. Al asked, “Why wasn’t the USB backup of the programming used to restore the operation?” Steve, “I don’t know.” Steve adjusted the car door operator mechanism and upgraded a program from version 22 to 23 in the operator control circuit board (on top of the car). We are waiting for the bill.
Washer Dryer will go ahead.
The griddle hook up is waiting on a gas regulator from the supply house.
RPZ is in the works. Brandi Voss is waiting for the certification to arrive, and will authorize the work.
Sound system train-in was discussed. Al is doing setup Sunday mornings and is working with training Tony Wentersdorf. Kent Eklund has been curious. Al is offering to train in others on Sunday mornings as to how to do the “basic Sunday AM Walker sound system setup.”
The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes by Al Hildebrand
Mary Parker
Hi Trustees,
I keep forgetting to mention that someone tore off the music holder on the piano. It has 3 little hinges with tiny screws and someone ripped out most of the screws and the stand can barely stand now. It is an essential piece of the piano because without it, there is no place to put your music.