May 14, 2014
Those present: Ed Ed Mueller, Jennifer Gahnstrom, Al Hildenbrand, Jim Stark, Harlan Seelhof
Minutes from the last meeting were read and approved.
Ed Ed moved and Jim seconded that kitchen work and materials be taken from the “Meals” Profit and Loss “Class” as presented on a P&L printout, Jan 1 – May 14, 2014, from Jennifer. Passed unanimously.
Ed Ed moved and Jim seconded that the retainage to Watson Forsberg be paid out of the “Build” Profit and Loss “Class” as presented on a P&L printout, Jan 1 – May 14,2014, thus reducing the “Build Class” to $0.00, and to then close out the Build Class. Passed unanimously.
Jennifer wants a doorbell. Ideas were discussed. Al moved and Ed Ed seconded purchasing a wireless bell with buttons and trying it out.
Nancy next door to the Parsonage reminded us about the dented downspout repair promised from last year’s driveway incident.
Jennifer introduced the Trustees to a request for free use of Walker. Transforming Families, , and Jennifer propose a two hour meeting once a month, second Saturdays, meetings only and no use of the kitchen, scheduling and room flexibility as driven by needs of future paying renters of Walker. Given these constraints, the Trustees have no objections to extending free access to the Walker property. So moved by Jim and Ed Ed seconded; passed unanimously
Fire system monitoring and inspection one year contract was presented and read. Agreeing to the contract and signing was moved by Al and seconded by Ed Ed. Passed unanimously
Al and Ed Ed gave a report of the basement water problem, and inspection last Friday by
Janelle of Watson Forsberg and Mindy Micheals of Kaas Wilson of the same, after the fact. Al has been charged by Mindy to contact her immediately upon any water being seen seeping in the basement so that she can rush over and examine it first hand. Al asks that any report of water in the basement of Walker be forwarded and / or copied to him, immediately upon receipt by anyone so knowing.
Jennifer reported to Ed Ed that the west Fellowship double door panic bars don’t latch securely to the door frame. Ed Ed inspected and will report to Jennifer that it is a Warranty issue for the installing contractor.
The new Hatco water super heater for the kitchen dishwasher has been looked at by the manufacturer repair technician and parts ordered. The factory technician is due to replace parts and repair the Hatco super heater so that it will perform to Health Department requirements.