Trustees Meeting Minutes
January 14, 2015
Those present: Jennifer Gahnstrom, Al Hildenbrand, Wayne Bailey, Jim Stark, Alice Browne, Ed Ed Mueller, Becky Hanson, Trenk Ebbighausen, Greg Garmen
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Jennifer presented the state of the finances.
Jennifer has hired the exterminator to come to the Parsonage to remove any remaining mouse bait boxes. Wayne will attend as well and assist.
Greg Garmen, present for Tom Manley, reported on condition of everything.
At the December 9, 2014, Trustees meeting the consideration of a Parsonage price reduction was tabled until the January 2015 meeting. Since that tabling, a Purchase Agreement has been completed and a closing of the sale of the Parsonage has been scheduled for Friday, January 30, 2015. Wayne moved and Ed Ed seconded that Allan R. Hildenbrand Walker UMC Trustees CoChair have signing authority for Walker at the Parsonage sale closing. Passed unanimously.
Jim moved and Trenk seconded paying the final W-F retainage and the requesting of assurance of follow through on the big issues of boiler/HVAC and basement water incursion. Passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned by unanimous acclaim.