Upcoming Events and Meetings
- All meetings and events listed are at Walker Church unless noted otherwise
- See our website Calendar walkerchurch.org for happenings further into the future.
- For more information please contact the Walker office office@walkerchurch.org
Building & Grounds Committee meeting: Wed, Aug 9, 6 pm. FFI Ed Ed Mueller or Al Hildenbrand
Sunday Celebration
August 13, 2017
in the church
Greetings by Margo McCreary & Janet Court
Communal Singing led by Howard Kranz
Celebration led by Deb Ramage
Communal Reading: Our mission is to nurture spirituality, build caring community & work courageously for peace with justice and mercy.
Opening by Al Hildenbrand
Lao Tse # 67 Witter Bynner followed by 5 minutes of silence
Everyone says that my way of life is the way of the simpleton.
Being largely the way of the simpleton is what makes it worthwhile.
If it were not the way of the simpleton,
It would long ago have been worthless,
These possessions of a simpleton being the three I choose and cherish:
To care
To be fair
To be humble.
When a person cares, she is unafraid,
When they are fair, they leave enough for others,
When he is humble, he can grow.
Whereas if, like many today, they be bold without caring,
Self-indulgent without sharing,
Self-important without shame,
They are dead.
The invincible shield of caring
Is a weapon from the sky
Against being dead.
Poetry by Steve Gehrenbeck-Miller
Welcome, Announcements & Offering
Scripture Reading Isaiah 32: 1-5, 14-20 by Julie Atkinson
A king will reign with justice and princes reign in righteousness.
Each will be like a shield from the wind and a shelter from the rain, like streams of water in a dry, parched land,
like the shade of a rock in a weary land.
The eyes that see will not be shut; the ears that hear will not be stopped.
The mind of the rash will not judge hastily; the tongue that stammers will speak clearly.
No more will the fool be taken as noble, nor the scoundrel considered honorable.
For the palace will be abandoned, and the noisy city deserted; the fort and the tower will become dens forever, the delight of wild asses, a pasture for flocks.
When at last the spirit is poured on us from on high, then will the desert become a garden, and this garden will be free as a fallow land.
Justice will dwell in the wilderness; and in the fertile land, righteousness.
Justice will bring about peace; justice will produce calm and security forever.
My people will live in comfort and bliss in a land of secure dwellings and undisturbed resting places.
While the forest will be beaten down and the fortress laid waste.
How blessed you will be, sowing by every stream, letting your work animals roam contented and free.
Sermon by Deb Ramage
Special Performance by Kent Eklund
Circle with Joys & Concerns led by Howard Kranz
& sharing of bread & juice brought by Lou Tofte
Hospitality Time
Thanks for set-up by the Hospitality Committee and Steve Gehrenbeck-Miller for treats
Autoharp Jam: Sun, Aug 13, 3 to 5 pm. FFI Tony Wentersdorf
Community Meal: Tues, Aug 15, 5:30 to 6:45 pm. Doors open at 5 pm
Cook, TBA. Please sign up if you can help
Hoop TC: Tues, Aug 15, 6:30 to 8:30 Free, open to all ages! This is last time they will meet on Tuesdays, the group will start again on Thursdays on October 12.
Sunday Celebration August 20 in Powderhorn Park–for the last time this summer—with Pastor Walter Lockhart giving the sermon
Initiates: Sun, Aug 20, 8:15 to 10:15 in the conference room. FFI Lou Tofte or Howard Kranz
Community Meal: Tues, Aug 22, 5:30 to 6:45 pm. Doors open at 5 pm
Cook, Pastor Walter Lockhart. Please sign up if you can help
Sunday Celebration August 27 in church with Pastor Walter Lockhart giving the sermon
Improvisation Group: Sun, Aug 27, from 12:15 to 1:15 pm in the sanctuary to explore group reading and group dance, led by Janet Skidmore. All are welcome with no previous experience necessary. FFI Janet
Bluegrass Jam: Mon, Aug 28, 7 pm-10 pm Free, come to jam or listen.
Community Meal: Tues, Aug 29, 5:30 to 6:45 pm. Doors open at 5 pm
Cook, Pastor Walter Lockhart. Please sign up if you can help
Sunday Celebration Sep 3 with Pastor Walter Lockhart giving the sermon
Community Meal: Tues, Sep 5, 5:30 to 6:45 pm. Doors open at 5 pm.
Cook, Pastor Walter Lockhart. Please sign up if you can help
Homecoming Sunday Celebration & Potluck Sep 10 with Pastor Walter Lockhart giving the sermon
Other Events & Announcements
Memorials for Roberta Hodges: There will be a Memorial at the Christine Center in Wisconsin on Sunday, August 20th at 3:30 at the Christine Center. All are welcome. For directions www.christinecenter.org
There will be a Memorial at Walker Church on Saturday, September 30, 4 pm.
Stories That Move Money: Sun, Aug 13, 4 to 8 pm at CTUL, 3715 Chicago Ave. S. in Mpls
A fundraiser for CTUL–El Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en la Lucha (The Center for Workers United in Struggle).
The histories and stories of unjust wealth distribution in the Twin Cities are long and sordid. We have been trained and conditioned not talk about money and to see it as a taboo subject, however our silence and discomfort only perpetuates the unjust system that keeps the rich rich and the poor scrambling to make ends meet.
There are organizations, such as CTUL that are attacking this problem at the root source, not only ensuring that the work is effective in making strides toward a more just and balanced economy in Minneapolis, but also ensuring that these strides are decided and taken by those it effects most: low-wage workers. This effectiveness has recently been demonstrated by their many victories including getting 500 retail janitors unionized, forming a major role in the coalition that just won $15 for workers in Minneapolis, and winning lawsuits that have held big businesses accountable for paying back wages stolen from workers.
Join us for a fundraising conversation and workshop where we dig deep into issues such as why it is taboo to talk about money, who profits from our silence, how we will build power instead of charity, and finally come to a better understanding of how we will use money to fight the inequality it creates. Dinner will be provided, this is a cross-class space and all are welcome.
Ongoing Walker & Walkerite Groups
Circle Gathering: Sundays 9 to 10 am with discussion on the teachings of Thich Nhat Hahn FFI Mary Parker & Tony Wentersdorf
Coffee Gathering: Mondays 10 to noon at Lake Street Coffee, 3223 E Lake St. FFI Pastor Walter Lockhart
Community Meal: Tuesdays 5:30 to 6:45 pm. Doors open at 5 pm Free, everyone welcome!
Walker Singers are on break and will resume on September 5 led by Jim McCreary
Initiates: 3rd Sunday of each month 8:15 to 10:15 am in the conference room. FFI Lou Tofte or Howard Kranz
Men’s Potluck Brunch: 2nd Saturday of each month at someone’s home.
Women’s Potluck Brunch: 4th Saturday of each month at someone’s home. FFI Lulu Philips
Open Flow Forum: 1st Thursday of each month 7 to 9 pm. A group of artists with disabilities FFI Tara Innmon or Kip Shane
Health & Wellness Services by Walkerites
Alice Browne Music Lessons, Therapy & Sound Healing: Thursdays & Fridays by appointment. Lessons in beginning piano, guitar, fiddle, all levels of voice and Sound Healing-a massage of sound vibrations. Contact Alice 612-860-6644 abmermaid@gmail.com
Sarah Dagg Massage Therapist: Two days each month between 9 am to 5 pm by appointment. Contact Sarah 218-831-9570 sdagg@crosslake.net
Other on-going groups meeting at Walker that are open to all.
East Lake LOL AA: A mixed, open AA group that meets every Wednesday 6:30 to 7:30 pm
Rosen Movement: Wednesdays 9 am to 10 am for simple movement with music. Open to all, come any week, cost: $5 to $10. FFI Phyllis Wiener wienerphyllis@gmail.com
Aware Dance: Wednesdays 7:15 to 9:15 pm Free style movement with music. Cost $10-15 FFI Facebook Aware Dance & Movement
Hoop Twin Cities: Tuesdays through Aug 15 6:30 to 8:30 pm, Then taking a break and starting again on Thursdays in October. Free hoola hooping for all ages FFI hoopjeans@gmail.com
Queer Birth Project: 2nd Saturday of each month 10 to noon. LGBTQ new parent support group www.queerbirthproject.com
Autoharp Jams: 2nd Sunday of each month 3 to 5 pm. FFI Tony Wentersdorf
Bluegrass Jam: Last Monday of each month 7 to 10 pm. Free, come to jam or listen. FFI Roy Vanderwerf revanster@gmail.com
Neurodiversity Group: 2nd Thursday of each month 7 to 9 pm led by Paul Johnson. Free emotional support for adults on the autism spectrum and their family & friends. Pljohnson46@yahoo.com