Walker Church Council
February 26, 2017
Present: Walter Lockhart, Jim McCreary, Greg Garman, Ed Ed Mueller, Carole Megarry, Lulu Philips, Kristine Smith, David West, Al Hildenbrand, Howard Kranz, Jesse Watkins, Bonita Blumenauer, Jan Werness, Lucy Slater, Nancy Larsen
The minutes were approved as read.
Jan gave the finance report. We are $16,000 in the hole. However, we paid our apportionments in 2016. WE have to decide whether to pay our apportionments again this year. If we do, a quarter of our past debt will be forgiven.
Lulu discussed how to encourage membership and nurture the community. Volunteers were solicited for an ad hoc membership committee.
The used washer dryer has died. It was moved, seconded, and passed allocate $1200 to Walter to buy a washer dryer that works.
Walter stated that Bishop Ought will be speaking to the topic of immigration on March 12 at Park Avenue Methodist Church. Walter hopes for a good number of Walker members In attendance to show support. Bishop Ough’s talk will be translated into Spanish.
It was moved, seconded and passed that $16,000 of Walter’s salary be designated as a housing allowance.
The meeting was adjourned.
The next meeting of the Church Council will be Sunday, April 23 2017 after the service.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Larsen
Church Council Secretary