Trustees Meeting Minutes
May 11, 2016
Those present: Ed Ed Mueller, Al Hildenbrand, Wayne Bailey, K. C. Bretzke, Harlan Seelhoff
Minutes of the last meeting were approved as read.
The elevator entrapment bill came; +$2200
KC & Jennifer worked out the language for a sign in the elevator, outside the elevator and on the rental agreement. The language is posted in the various situations.
Wayne repaired the sanctuary piano music stand.
Ed Ed secured the filters for the rooftop Carrier forced air furnace / AC, and replaced the old filters.
Washer / Dryer is on Trenk’s schedule. Al has installed the electrical receptacle for the Laundry.
Meeting adjourned.
Al made the following motion electronically, “I move that the Walker Community UMC Trustees approve our being fiscal agent for the Firehouse Performing Arts Center.” Wayne seconded. The Trustees voted by email and on May 25th, 2016, unanimously passed the motion.