Trustees Meeting Minutes
February 10, 2016
Those present: Ed Ed Mueller, Al Hildenbrand, Wayne Bailey (just barely), Harlan Seelhoff, Becky Hanson
Minutes of the last meeting were corrected and approved.
Last January 20th the Trustees walked through the Boiler Room, 2nd Floor Janitors Closet, Kitchen & Pantry evaluating the placement of the stacked washer dryer. Trenk is going to sleep on it. Tentative placement for the 27″ wide machine is in the 29″ wide space to the west of the the 2nd Floor Janitors slop basin.
Ed Ed reports that Ignacio is OK with having the Laundry machines in the second floor janitor’s closet.
Financials were puzzled over and discussed. Acronyms were the most confusing until the key was found.
Jennifer reports that it is time to do the RPZ valve maintenance.
Elevator Inspector from the City of Minneapolis arrived on Tuesday and Walter let him in. The inspector reports that “Phase II” of the operation of the elevator has problems that need to be addressed. Thyssen Krupp has been contacted.
Promissory note was revisited and two documents signed and left in the Walker Office.
The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes by Al Hildenbrand