Trustees Meeting Minutes
December 9, 2015
Those present: Walter Lockhart, Al Hildenbrand, Harlan Seelhoff, Becky Hanson, K. C. Bretzke, Ed Ed Meuller, Wayne Bailey
Thyssen Krupp fees for monitoring for 2016 have been paid. There has, to date, been no response from Thyssen Krupp about their “investigation” into overcharging Walker for the Summer repair incident.
Minutes reviewed and approved.
Finance has three items for the Trustees meeting.
- Finance has been reviewing the legal status of rental income language. K.C. presented some specific changes of words to the . Becky moved acceptance, Wayne seconded. Approved unanimously.
- Ed Ed moved and Becky seconded that the relationship with Sara Dagg’s healing work use of part of the building be formally acknowledged as being substantialy related to the Walker Community UMC Mission. Approved unanimously.
- The outstanding Promissory Note left from the construction of the new building is to be extended to 2017. K.C. moved, and Ed Ed seconded, that the Trustees Chair sign such documents that will change the promissary note to 2017. Unanimous approval.
Walter says the financial report indicates we have a shortfall of ~$9,000 and, with apportionments we are down $23,000.
Is there a place that a used commercial washer and dryer can go in the building? Discussion lead to placing units in the basement while possible locations are considered. The machines are stacked, bolted together and wired to a common control panel. Electrical requires a standard 120 Volt 20 Amp laundry branch circuit. The Dryer is natural gas fired.
Walter has designed a way to secure the mixing board for the sound system. $2151 is yet to be paid. The sound system is just shy of $15,000 for the full install. We are waiting for the final train in.
Meeting adjourned.
Minutes by Al Hildrenbrand