Trustees Meeting Minutes
October 14, 2015
Those present: Walter Lockhart, Al Hildenbrand, Harlan Seelhoff, Becky Hanson, K. C. Bretzke, Jennifer Gahnstrom
Walter presented a proposal for the sound system, explaining the ~$8200 Methodist Builders fund. Proposal signing was approved. Henley Audio LLC will handle the project.
Walter laid out the following items for purchase approval.
- Portable screen $151 84″ wide
- Carts that hold 36 chairs $170 quantity three with shipping
- Carts for tables that hold 11 $181 quantity three with shipping
Discussion of use occurred, followed by approval of purchase.
Minutes of the last meeting were corrected and approved.
Financial printouts from Jennifer were passed around. Jennifer reviewed the details of rentals of the building along with the results of The Story’s first assembly. Arts and Furnishing Committee is getting into gear and having a meeting.
Spaces used by The Story and Mary Parker are considered. Story is using the undeveloped 2nd floor bathroom where Ed Ed had put a used book project. Ed Ed has moved his books and a bunch of empty boxes into the Furnace Room in front of equipment. Al moved and it was seconded and passed unanimously that Ed Ed remove the books and boxes from the Furnace Room.
Moved, seconded and unanimously approved the new rental arrangement for Ace In The City and The Story.
No news about the parking in Fairview’s lot.
Elevator bill was revisited. As yet, Thyssen Krupp has not replied to our Letter of Inquiry.
Hamline bookstore is no longer accepting old books for $1 apiece.
Meeting adjourned.
Minutes by Al Hildenbrand