In chronological order:
Walker Events & Meetings (are all at the church unless noted otherwise)
& Public Events organized by others that will be held at Walker
Finance committee meeting: Wed, Nov 12, 3 pm
Trustees meeting: Wed, Nov 12, 6 pm
Bioneers: Wed, Nov 12, 6:30 pm. Pot luck. 7:15 pm. speech on DVD by Sandra Steingraber, “The Whole Fracking Enchilada ” 7:50 pm. Local Speaker and Discussion: TBA Free & open to the public
Dance the Creation Rehearsal: Thurs, Nov 13, 7 to 9 pm (& Sun, Nov 16, noon to 2 pm/Thurs, Nov 20, 7 to 9 pm/Sat, Nov 22, 4 to 6 pm.) FFI Janet Skidmore 612-965-3335
Initiates: Sun, Nov 16, 8 am to 9:45 am. FFI Howard Kranz 612-598-4795
Sunday Celebration November 16, 2014
Greetings by Don Browne & Beth Richards
Communal Singing: led by Conrad deFiebre and Dianne O’Donnell
Lao Tzu # 79 followed by 5 minutes of silence
If terms to end a quarrel leave bad feeling, what good are they?
So a sensible wanderer takes the poor end of the bargain without quibbling.
It is sensible to make terms, foolish to be a stickler:
Though heaven prefer no person, a sensible person prefers heaven.
Poetry by Anne Tiller
Introduction to quest speaker: Rose Munns, Psy.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Human Sexuality, University of Minnesota
Guest Speaker: Rose Munns
Special Performance by Kelly Waterman
Circle with Joys & Concerns & sharing of bread & juice brought by Bonita Blumenauer
Thanks for: Hospitality set-up by Barbara Hager, food brought by Linda Berglin
& clean-up by
Dance the Creation Rehearsal: Sun, Nov 16, noon to 2 pm in the dining hall FFI Janet Skidmore
Community Meal: Tues, Nov 18, 5:30 to 6:45. By Kitchen Cabinet. FFI talk to Sarah Elizabeth.
Staff Parish Relations Committee meeting: Tues, Nov 18, 7:45 pm FFI KC Bretzke
Chair Yoga: Wed, Nov 19, 1 to 2 pm with Kitty Kuluvar. Free. The last session.
Bioneers: Wed, Nov 19, 6:30 pm. Potluck. 7:15 pm National Bioneers 2013 Plenary Speech on DVD by Billy Parish, “100% Clean Energy For and By The People” 7:50 pm. Local Speaker and Discussion led by: Laura (Cina) Burrington (staff member), Minnesota Renewable Energy Society. Free and open to the public
Dance the Creation Rehearsal: Thurs, Nov 20, 7 to 9 pm FFI Janet Skidmore
Dance the Creation Rehearsal: Sat, Nov 22, 4 to 6 pm in the sanctuary FFI Janet Skidmore 612-965-3335
Walker Men’s Group: Sat, Nov 22, 9:30 am at the home of one of the group.
Women’s Potluck Brunch: Sat, Nov 22, 9:30 am in the conference room
Walker Holiday Art Fair: Sat, Nov 22, 10:00am to 4pm, and Sun, Nov 23, 12:00pm to 4pm. 20 artists will bring their beautiful wares to our new building to resume the annual Holiday Art Fair. Come to shop, stay for lunch! We will have homemade soups, good breads and baked goods to enjoy now or take home.
Al Hildenbrand speaking during Sunday Celebration: Nov 23
Come to the Thanksgiving meal, stay for the All Church Conference on Tuesday, November 25
Meal from 5:30 to 6:45 followed by the All Church Conference at 7 pm. Everyone is encouraged to come. There will be a motion to approve the 2015 Budget. Church Council will meet after the Church Conference.
Walker Dance with DJ Santanero: Fri, Nov 28, 6 pm to 10 pm. Free, donations accepted.
Sending Reyna to Europe! Chili cook-off fundraiser; Sat, Dec. 6, 3-7pm. Artisan crafts, treats & music. Contact Leah Seelhoff 612-281-4258.
Walker Silent Auction: Sat, Dec 13
Bioneers: Wed, Dec 17, 6:30 pm. Potluck. 7:15 – 8:10 pm. Movie “Journey of the Universe”, The Epic Story of Cosmic, Earth, and Human Transformation, produced by Mary Evelyn Tucker, John Grim, and Brian Swimme
8:15 pm. Solstice circle meditation and discussion Free and open to the public
Every Sunday: Prayer & Meditation Circle 8:15-9:30 am FFI Nancy Larsen,
Sunday Celebration 10 am with Children’s Sunday School 10:30 am.
Every Tuesday: Walker Singer Rehearse 6:45 to 7:45 pm. FFI Jim Feldman
Every Monday: Aztec Dancers 6:30 to 7:30 open to all.
Announcements from Walkerites
Massage therapy by Sarah Dagg is available in the meditation room, by appointment only. The rate is $45 per hour for Walker members and staff, $60 per hour for all others. Times available are usually Mondays. Call or text Sarah at 218-831-9570 for appointment or more info.
Room for rent . $450, includes gas and elec. Please call 612-251-9935, for details.
Please bring ASAP left over inner cardboard tubes from toilet paper and paper towels for a sanctuary decoration Margo is making for Advent. Put them in the marked box in the cloakroom.
Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers Annual Peace Celebration: Mon, Nov 17, 7 pm at St.Paul Landmark Center. Key note speaker: Paul Chappell, soldier, author, educator and Peace Leadership Director for the Nuclear Age. Cost $ 10. FFI go to or call Walker Delegate-Steve Cobian @ 612/202-7002
Other Events & Announcements
Bishop Ough’s Day in the District: Sun, Nov 23, 2 to 4 pm at Faith UMC-St. Anthony, 2709 33rd Ave NE Saint Anthony, MN 55418. You are invited to the program “Reaching New People in a Changing World” featuring inspiring teaching by Bishop Bruce Ough and beautiful music from the Faith UMC Choir
Is your web site availible in different languages?
We have plans to have it also in Spanish. One of several future enhancements.