November 11, 2014
Minutes by Mary Parker
Present: Ignacio Amigon, Lupe Amigon, Jennifer Gahnstrom., Mary Parker., Steve Sandberg.
Walker Dance: Friday, Nov. 28 (Day after Thanksgiving):
Juan Amigon (DJ Santanero) will play the music. Ignacio and Lupe, his daughter, helped us to figure out wording for a flyer and poster in both English and Spanish. Mary will make the posters and Jennifer the flyers. Ignacio suggests that we hold dances for the Spanish-speaking community on Saturday nights, not Fridays, as often people work late on Fridays. Lupe suggested having an email sign-up sheet at the door of the dance so we can email people in advance of upcoming dances.
In the future, we will state that the dance is free, but that donations are accepted.
We discussed building uses such as Quinceanos, and weddings. We discussed numbers of people we can accommodate up and downstairs.
Walker Dance, Saturday, Jan. 17: South Side Aces, with a Swing Dance Demo!
Steve suggested that in the future dances that we host should be driven by a dance band which wished to rent the space, not by us hiring a band. We can promote their dance, then, but not have to pay for it.
Jennifer suggested that we have one dance a month on a Saturday night with DJ Santanero at some of them. She and Ignacio will ask him about this idea.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, Nov 25, 10:30 AM