Those present: Jennifer Gahnstrom, Al Hildenbrand, Wayne Bailey, Jim Stark, Harlan Seelhoff.
Minutes were read and approved.
Jennifer presented the updated financials. An All-Church meeting to discuss the dwindling reserve fund is in the works for the Fall. The nature of rentals was discussed. The Financial Committee has researched tax regulations and asked the Trustees to develop a list of types of renters that are missional. The Trustees feel the Walker CUMC Mission Statement of long standing, “Build caring community, nurture spirituality and work for peace with justice and mercy”, is so clear that the better approach will be for the minds of the Financial Committee to develop the recipe of both groups, individuals and entities that do fit the Mission Statement (especially “build caring community”), as well as the a recipe list of the types of rental situations that are clearly not “missional”. This will permit the tracking of income from such non-missional rentals so as not to exceed the allowed income limit for taxation purposes. The Trustees will approve the list.
Use of space within the new building was considered with respect to the massage therapists in the extended Community. Logistics of storage of associated massage equipment was considered. Sarah Dagg has not yet examined using the new Walker space, per Jennifer’s report. Sarah is comfortable over at the Parsonage, and doesn’t really have to move until the Parsonage sale is further along.
(confidential….) it was moved and seconded that a stay in the Parsonage will be of limited duration. Passed.
The HVAC system has been tended to by Trane and Raypak. Progress on warranty service has occured and the outcome is hopeful.
The Parsonage sale has been approved by the UMC District Superintendent and we are waiting for the UM Conference Board of Church, Location and Building to give Walker its approval.
Dianne O’Donnell has agreed to be the realtor for the sale of the Parsonage. It was moved and seconded that Walker use Dianne O’Donnell as the realtor. Passed.
Dianne O’Donnell suggested we use Adel Gardner as the Parsonage sale staging decorator if Adel can do this with payment for service tied to the closing of the sale of the Parsonage. Moved, seconded and passed.
Activity surrounding the water incursion into the building, especially the basement, has run its course. Watson-Forsberg has picked up its dehumidifier and the basement is dry, for the present, but then, we are in the middle of a very low rainfall period that is over six weeks long. Time will tell.
Minutes by Al Hildenbrand